10 steps to find your inner peace

by admin

My mentor, in a recent conversation, said something that really hit home,

“There is only one thing that we are all looking for in this world”.

I immediately questioned, “There’s just one?” Our discussion revealed, there really is just one… our HAPPINESS.

All human beings have the same basic wish or desire: to be happy. It is the most sought after commodity in the world. We have been taught, and generally believe, that happiness comes from the outside or from external conditions in our lives. For example: relationships, money, eating out or acquiring another “something”. If only I have these, this will bring me happiness.

“If only I had that relationship, then I would be happy. If only I could buy that car I want, then I would be happy. If only I could eat what I wanted and not gain any weight, then I would be happy.”10-steps-to-find-your-inner-peace-6265219-8982869

We spend so much of our time and energy looking to acquire external things. Superficially it seems that these things would make us happier and give us peace. But do we ever really become happy or get peace in our life? If we look deeper, we see that the quest for these things creates in us more of what we don’t want and the problems continue to grow. Why is this?

Happiness and suffering are states of mind and are emotionally charged, so the main causes cannot be found externally. They cannot be found by looking outward. The real source of happiness is inner peace. If our mind is peaceful we will be happy, regardless of external conditions.

Think about having happiness and peace all around you. This can be created because happiness comes from within you. Everything outside of us: our circumstances, relationships and interactions change and we become what we are. They are a reflection of what is happening internally. You could say that our external is our internal. What would it be like to have happiness and peace everywhere in your life?

Inner peace (or peace of mind) is an expression that refers to a mental state of being; a spiritual peace; a strength in the face of discord or stress. Being “at peace” is a homeostatic condition. You cannot feel peaceful and stress or anxiety at the aame time. Peace of mind is interconnected with bliss and happiness.

Sounds good right? So, how do you create peace of mind and become happy?

 10 Steps To Find Your Inner Peace

  1. Recognize that you can be happy right now.It’s your choice.
  2. Live in the present moment, the right now. Simply be.
  3. Replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts.
  4. Recite affirmations of abundance of peace, joy, and happiness.
  5. Let go of limiting beliefs that don’t serve you.
  6. Share the good within you with others.
  7. Meditate on a regular basis.
  8. Do at least one thing a day that you truly enjoy.
  9. Find your purpose in life by connecting with your inner passion.
  10. Move beyond the fear that stops you and do it anyway.

Remember — you only get one life. Make the most of it.

Stop defeating yourself. Stop limiting yourself. Choose HAPPINESS.

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.

–       Leo Tolstoy

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