3 Entirely different ways to Make Money

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3 Entirely different ways to Make Money

In any economic system the risks are the same. It’s unmanageable for the average individual to make ends meet. Even those who are employed with good wages find it difficult. A few who have income are afraid to spend in an unsound economy and those without are attempting to come up with ways to gain extra cash. So what about 3 Entirely Different Ways To Make Money?

I’m going to supply you plenty of opportunities to consider in order to place yourself in a more beneficial financial position by working for yourself. This places you in control without being forced to depend upon outside sources dictating what you can and can’t do financially. Most of the time, when one is pondering going into business for themselves, they’re disheartened because of lack of start up capital.

You’ll be surprised to discover that a lot of the opportunities here don’t have any start up expenses, and those that do are really little. It puts you on a path to being debt free.

Ways To Make Money

1) Earnings:

The 1st is by working a job where you’re experienced and you get paid by an employer to do that job.

Jobs are not usually encouraged by us at GreatnessHQ. We much prefer to be working for ourselves and creating our own destiny. However having a job can still be a good way to make money. If you are in a job now here are a few ways that you can develop a great personality and become the most liked guy in the office. Not to mention hugely increase your chance of getting the next promotion!

Be Knowledgeable

Always know what you are doing. You need to know everything about your job. Always keep gaining information and keep educating yourself. Learn new methods and techniques as they are introduced. When you have the right knowledge, you develop a great personality for the workplace.

Be Confident

Give out the impression that you are confident about what you are doing. If you follow the above point, i.e. if you gain knowledge, then you automatically become confident as well. You have to be sure of your decisions and your way of doing things.

Be Focused on Your Results

Even if you are the most knowledgeable person at work, you don’t go a long way if you don’t achieve your results. This is what proves that you have the spark in you to achieve what you set out to achieve. The best way to do this is by being focused on your results. Concentrate on what you have to achieve. Keep thinking of ways and means to reach those goals.

Be Good to Your Fellow Workers

This is a social aspect that forms a large part of your workplace personality. Always be kind to your subordinates and obedient to your superiors. But, act within the premise of reason. If you see someone stepping over the line, then you should take the right action. People respect you for being firm on your beliefs, and people are also constantly checking you for the way you deal with the other people at work.

The next way of making money is through freelancing our being self employed.

2) Self employed:

The 2nd way of earning revenue is by doing freelance or contract work. A lot of time fear can stop people from taking the leap from employee to self employed. Here is a great article explaining why the fear of failure is holding you back from success.

You are able to do freelancing on just about any type of work you are able to think of. Freelancing is a great way to earn extra cash and create a sustainable income for yourself.

The best way to start freelancing is to know what your skill sets are and to choose something that you can freelance in that area. With that in mind you need to consider how big the market is and how in need that certain skill set is. If you are interested in freelancing you can check out Freelancer.com and see what jobs other people are offering and see what they are being paid.

There is definitely potential for money to be made through freelancing. One freelancer in India makes close to $1m a year by making simple $65 websites. Excited yet?

The possibilities are endless as long as you stay resourceful and work hard.

A common problem that people have when working from home is that they are easily distracted. With no boss constantly looking over your shoulder it is easy to wast lots of time surfing the interent and goofing off on other tasks.

Here are some ways to enhance productivity when working from home

Set daily goals for yourself.

There will be a main goal you are trying to focus on, but, all the same, you should try to have mini goals along the way as well. Sit down and think what you will try to achieve today. This is your goal for the day. It helps you keep focus. It helps you keep going. However, of course, you have to try your best not to deviate from it… you have to achieve what you have set for yourself for the day.

Work according to a schedule.

You might find this difficult at first, but slowly it becomes a habit. When you get up each morning, plan your day. Think what you will accomplish by midmorning, by noon and by dusk. Make sure to keep some ‘me-time’ and some ‘family-time’ as well. You need them to keep going.

Analyse your peak time.

Everyone has a peak time somewhere during the day where they can do work that is more productive. For some people, this time in the early morning; for others it is the afternoon. Some other people feel more rejuvenated to work in the evening. Everyone has their peak times that they need to work according to, if they want to be more productive. See where your peak time lies.

Eliminate the distractions.

Try allocating a work area for yourself within the home, and let everyone else know this is your ‘office’. If you give everyone at home enough time, they are likelier to give you your ‘work time’ as well. When you are working in your home office, ensure that you only work and do not waste time doing nonproductive things on your computer. Having a special work area in your home helps you to achieve that.

3) Business person:

The 3rd way to make income is to invest in a small business that you are able to call your own. Here’s a great article on business motivation.

For a business owner the 1st choice you’d have is to be the sole owner. You also have the option to partner with other people on a business venture. To be a business owner you need to have a powerful vision and believe that nothing can stop you from making it a reality. Here are 4 tips to help you develop a powerful vision that inspires and motivates the people that hear about it.

Think Ahead and Plan Everything

If you have the power to dream, you can plan your vision to meet your goals. Think of how you are and how you want your future to be. You can create a vision not only to bring in power and success to your career but it can also work for your relationships and other aspects of life. When you think ahead and plan in your mind, you can create a vision. Let it be very specific and not something that is very vaguely pictured.

Think Positive

To develop a powerful vision, you need to develop a positive mindset. Unless you think positive, the actions or planning cannot happen in a positive manner. So, it is very essential to have a positive thinking in order to move ahead. Without positive thinking, there is no vision. Without a vision, there is no goal achieved in life.

Use the Power of Affirmations

Positive thinking and affirmation with a belief in yourself is very important to develop powerful visions and carry it forward to attain success. You need to have motivation and it should be constant and there is nothing better than the power of affirmations to help you get all the motivation you need.

Set Big Bold Goals

Based on your vision, it is essential to set goals both short term and long term. It is essential to visit these goals often and check how many of them you have been able to achieve. If you have been successful in attaining your goals, celebrate it and take credit for it. This will help you remain motivated. But, at the same time, if you have not been able to achieve some of these goals, it is best not to lose heart but to see why you have not been able to reach these goals and look at how to strive towards reaching them.

Ways to Make money. Make sure you let us know what you think in the comments section below and subscribe to our free newsletter to stay up to date with all things GREAT in this world!

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