5 Keys to meaningful relaxation

by Greatness HQ


Increased stress levels can make relaxation seem like a fading dream.  Is it unavoidable that a productive life eventually becomes filled with stress and anxiety? If you feel like that’s been happening to you, what can you do to chill?

Balance can be the hardest thing for a productive person with a demanding schedule. Taking some time to relearn the art of relaxation can really boost your energy and increase your sense of enjoyment.

To relax we need to change our focus

Stress and anxiety usually come from being focused on the future. There is nothing wrong with looking ahead, but relaxation happens in the here and now. It’s pretty hard to be worried about that important meeting next week and feel relaxed and comfortable at the same time. Your body may be in a relaxed setting and in a comfortable position, but where’s your head?

When your mind isn’t relaxed and enjoying the moment, It’s not true relaxation! Your body might be resting from physical exertion, but mind is still grinding away and that is not very refreshing.

5 keys to meaningful relaxation

1) Focus on the here and now. Let your mind and body be in the same place at the same time, as in “Be Here Now.” In a world that seems to be moving at warp speed, this can be quite challenging. It requires the absence of every form of anxiety and anticipation related to the past or the future. Without awareness of yesterday or tomorrow, there is in fact, no sense of worry or regret. That’s why one important key to true relaxation is to focus on the pleasure of the moment.

Have you ever noticed how certain environments are inherently more relaxing then others? This leads us to our next key:

2) Put yourself in a relaxing place. Isn’t this why we love to take vacations? Putting some distance between ourselves and the demands of daily life makes it much easier to change our perspective. Of course, we can’t always relocate when we feel the need for a little downtime. But we can take a walk or sit outside, as we open our minds to, and direct our attention toward our surroundings. Use your five senses to raise your awareness of the moment as you let go of everything else.

There’s another side of relaxation that should not be overlooked. Often times, the most refreshing way to spend your free time is:

3) Active relaxation. There is a wonderful little resort community in central Oregon called Sunriver. They have over thirty miles of paved bike trails that wind through the pine forest and along the Deschutes River. You can park your vehicle and forget about it. When we’re there, we prefer to walk or ride bikes everywhere we go. Active relaxation means that your focus is in the moment. It’s also a great time for conversation, which tends to revolve around things you are seeing along the way.

Now after a long walk or bike ride what could be more relaxing then some:

4) Hydrotherapy plus. I’m talking about twenty minutes in the hot tub with a glass of wine and the water jets on high. Every house we’ve ever rented in Sunriver has had a private spa and it has always contributed greatly to the relaxation value. If you happen to have one at home then don’t ignore it. There’s a high relaxation factor built into these little stress erasers.

One of the things that can cause regular relaxation to be pushed into obscurity is placing too much value on everything else. This leads to our next key:

5) Learn to value relaxation. Once you fully appreciate the important role and positive influence of relaxation, you will come to truly value it. Priorities are established in accord with the value we assign to the various aspects of our life. When relaxation becomes a priority, we will make the time and create the opportunity to relax so we can restore and maintain balance and harmony in our life.

Here are two additional pointers. Don’t wear your watch and turn your cell phone off when you’re trying to relax. These little electronic slave drivers can suck the value right out of your relaxation time. They are useful tools in their place, but know when to cut the cord.

By the way, if you’re interested, Sunriver is a laid back resort community located about 15 miles south of Bend, Oregon and approximately 30 miles from Mt. Bachelor ski resort. My wife and I, along with our daughter and her husband, have been taking our fall getaway in Sunriver for years. We especially like it in late September or early October. Check it out if you get the chance.

Do you have a favorite place for a relaxing mini vacation?
Do you find it difficult to take time for relaxation?

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