5 Secret Essentials To Having A Confident Mindset

by admin

Having a confident mindset is the key to success in any aspect of your life. To be the “Alpha Male” or the go to guy you need to have supreme self confidence.

This article that I found on Addicted2Success.com explains how you can create a confident mindset and conquer any obstacle in your life.

Being a confident person and having a confident mindset takes a lot of effort. It is actually a state of mind that will fluctuate as you react to every circumstance in life such as, your mood, physical health, and a whole host of the other unknown subconscious factors.

It is important to understand and know how you can maintain a powerful mindset. Based on the theory that true ‘happiness’ is really about feeling self-confident, There are different ways to build and maintain high self-confidence and worth.

Here’s a few things to help you maintain yours.

UNDERSTAND THAT ‘victim’ is a mindset, nothing more, nothing less

Being a Victim is never defined by going through a bad thing that happen to you. It’s about thinking about you as a victim. Here’s a simple question that will help determine whether you are a Victim or if you are a Creator:

“Do you think that life generally happens to you, or do you believe that you are the one who creates your life?

Explore and know how you react to life circumstances. Do you often see yourself surrounded by different opportunities? Do you actually feel like you can handle whatever difficulty comes your way?

Do you also see yourself as the subject of circumstance and luck? Or, is it just about ‘playing the hand you were dealt’?

Victims are often powerless. If you want to gain power, then you need to stop yourself from being a victim. Well, nothing in your life will change that, because you have to change it yourself.

Try to give rather than get

For you to “get”, you need to give. And you should give fully, without condition or any expectation to receive a reward. Try to think of life as deal in VALUE.

To receive any value, you must give it first. Giving value should be the goal of every interaction with individuals. When you’re talking to someone, ask yourself “How I can give this person the opportunity to leave here better than when they came in?”

This strategy does NOT mean people-please. When you are doing people-please, you are not giving, you are trying to get. Trying to get liked, trying to get friends, getting approval or getting a reputation as the Nice Guy.

Giving should be about ensuring that the person receives what they want, not what you want. You need to ask before you give help. You must ask permission to serve others, yet expect nothing in return.

With this, you will be rewarded and this reward will not be what you think you want, but it will be what you actually need. You’ll just have to trust me on this one.

Doing it all by yourself is pointless

You need to let go of your pride and let other people help you. You’re denying the pleasure by keeping it all to yourself. You will tend to end up getting more out of it than you ever expected, and certainly more than you can do alone.

Slow down

You can actually do more with having less. Rather than getting to do a hundred tasks a day, do what’s most important and then do it very well. You must figure out what actually matters in terms to your goals. Most tasks don’t, but we keep ourselves busy with crap to avoid the uncomfortable stuff that does matter.

Vulnerability Is Invincible

When you are completely vulnerable, when there are no secrets left, you become invincible. No one can use your weaknesses against you, because it’s all out in the open. It’s like having someone trying to bluff you in poker when you can see their cards.

For some reason it really inspires others. You gain instant trust and affection from people when you open up. This does not mean complaining or unloading your trauma on them. It just means being honest when you don’t know what to do, when you doubt yourself, and when you have feelings of shame about your behavior.

You should keep in mind that everyone else has these different problems too. If you can be brave to reveal it, you will be able to help other people find peace with their own difficulties.

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