7 Things to Know About Yourself

by Greatness HQ

Who are you? It’s not a trick question. Your ability to navigate successfully through this thing we call life hinges on how well you know yourself. Here’s a list of seven different aspects of YOU that merit your attention:

1) Know your values.

These are the things that matter most to you. What are your personal values and standards? What are your priorities and your beliefs? Why are these things important to you and how committed are you to each of them?

2) Know your strengths.

What natural abilities do you possess and which ones do you want to cultivate and develop? The strengths you have and those you develop are your personal assets. They give you a unique position in life and you need to be aware of them.

3) Know your passions.

What are you passionate about? What is it that gets you excited or demands your undivided attention? What activities and pursuits make you feel really alive? You can’t build your life around your passions if you don’t know what they are.

4) Know your tendencies.

Your tendencies often become habits, either good or bad. Do you tend to jump into things on a whim? Do you procrastinate or overreact? Knowing your habitual tendencies can help you to analyze areas that need some improvement. It can also help you identify which tendencies most contribute to your strengths and successes.

5) Know your limitations.

You will never be the best at everything. It’s better to know which skills or activities are beyond your ability for now. That way, you can delegate those things to others while you focus your energy where it’s the most effective.

6) Know your goals.

What do you really want to achieve? Goals need to be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-sensitive. Clarity is key when it comes to setting your goals. Clarity leads to action; lack of it leads to confusion.

7) Know your direction.

Where do you want to go with your life? Once you understand your values, strengths, passions, tendencies, limitations, and goals – you need to have a destination to move toward, a direction. Don’t worry about reaching your destination because, in reality, it’s the journey that counts. So, pick a direction and move toward it, then let life unfold before you.

You are a beautiful and unique individual, why not spend some time getting to know yourself? It will certainly be time well spent.

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