How Significant is Your Life?

by Greatness HQ
How Significant is Your Life

How Significant is Your Life? Explore the profound reflections on life’s impact and purpose through Jonathan Fields’ insightful questions. Delve into meaningful actions that resonate globally and locally, fostering personal growth and community contribution.

Have you ever tried to evaluate your own significance in this world of over seven billion people? Do you think that our overall contribution has any effect on the big picture, or is our impact on friends and family all that really matters?

I’m a regular reader of Jonathan Fields’ blog Awake@theWheel, and I especially enjoyed reading his thoughts on this subject. In fact, they were so thought provoking that I felt compelled to share some of them with you. I found Jonathan’s list of twelve questions to be, not only personally applicable, but also very revealing with regard to where he is coming from. The title is, Are You Living a Significant Life? and here’s what he had to say:

George Bernard Shaw once said:
“To be used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one…I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work the more I live.”

I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no brief candle to me.  It is a splendid torch, which I have got hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.
I keep coming back to this…

The notion of service and significance

Big picture and little picture. Global impact, local impact. I cannot rally to every cause, nor am I drawn to. One person’s all-consuming mission is not necessarily mine. But, for those that have meaning to me, be it growing a happy, loving, connected family or helping people grow businesses and careers that allow for greater self-determination…

It’s always been about impact

And, I wonder, am I making a difference on some level? If so, how will I know? What’s my metric?

So, I made a short list that I now look at each day, just as a way of reminding myself of the value I place on significant actions. It doesn’t stop me from wasting time, that still happens more than I’d like. Instead it serves as a reminder, something I can regularly refer back to as a vehicle to refocus on what matters most.

Twelve questions to ask yourself daily

1. Have I served my community today, be it local or global?
2. Have I given without expectation of receiving today?
3. Have I done something to take care of my mind?
4. Have I done something to take care of my body?
5. Have I done something to take care of my spirit?
6. Have I mentored, taught, helped or coached someone?
7. Have I created something that will impact someone else?
8. Have I been present and involved with my family?
9. Have I been there for my friends and colleagues?
10. Have I led with compassion?
11. Am I leaving a footprint I am proud of?
12. Have I given anonymously?

Do I always tick off every item on the list every day?

Not a chance! Some days, I hit all 12 (it’s rare), most days I hit about half, other days, none. Regardless, it serves as a powerful “significance feedback loop,” a tool to keep me aspiring in the right direction and to hold me accountable to taking significant acts on a daily basis.

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