Use Questions to Change Your Mindset – Part 3 – Advanced Life Skills

by Greatness HQ
Use Questions to Change Your Mindset – Part 3

The last two articles in this series have helped us build a solid appreciation to change your mindset and appreciate the value of using questions to change both our focus and our mindset. We also learned exactly what kind of questions are needed to direct our focus in a positive direction. Now it’s time to consider some specific ways that we can make practical application of this empowering skill and put it to use in our lives.

To fully benefit from the power of questions we need a way to integrate what we have learned into our daily routine. Specifically, we need to develop the habit of intentionally using questions to direct our focus and control our mindset in a constructive manner.

First thing in the morning

Every morning when we wake up it is a natural part of our thinking process to ask ourselves questions about the day, so this is a perfect time to practice. Asking the right questions first thing in the morning will help ensure that our focus is pointed in a productive and empowering direction all day long.

So here’s a list of possible questions that you can start asking yourself every morning beginning tomorrow. These questions are specifically designed to have a positive effect on your levels of joy, commitment and self-esteem.

1) What is there about my life that makes me feel happy right now?
2) What is going on in my life today that I can get excited about?
3) What do I feel truly grateful for right now?
4) What am I really looking forward to today?
5) Who do I love and who loves me?

If you have difficulty answering any of these questions simply insert the word “could” into the question. For example, in question #1 – What is there about my life that could make me feel happy right now?

Take some time to consider these questions as you go about your morning routine. Remember, it’s not the asking of questions that creates results, it’s the answers. As you come up with your own answers to each question, be sure to take a moment and experience how that answer makes you feel.

Change your mindset every day for at least ten days!

By developing a routine of asking yourself questions like these every morning, you will begin to create a pattern. After a while, not only will the questions come automatically, but so will an increased level of appreciation for the answers. The answers to these questions are an important part of what makes life worth living.

Being aware of our blessings first thing in the morning can completely change our entire day. Those questions will follow us throughout the day and we will find ourselves looking for more reasons to feel happy, to get excited and to be grateful. This is a perfect example of the power of simple questions to change our focus, motivation and results in any aspect of our life.

Remember, the whole purpose of this exercise is to take conscious control of what we allow our minds to focus on. So another important point to consider is this: These questions are designed to trigger our minds to think in positive directions and to discover encouraging answers. They are not designed for overanalyzing and scrutinizing our every thought and feeling. So don’t let yourself get too carried away. Know when to quit asking and start answering.

When designing questions always include a positive assumption

When you are designing questions for yourself, make sure that they always include a positive assumption about the answer. For example, all of the questions above assume something. Question #1 assumes that there is something to feel happy about right now just as question #2 assumes there is something to be excited about. These type of assumptions give your mind both direction and motivation.

The mind considers those assumptions to be facts; consequently it will find answers that support those facts. By constructing your own personal questions this way you will empower yourself with the ability to change almost any aspect of your life.

This is the 3rd in a series of 3 articles showing how
you can Use Questions to Change Your Mindset
Use questions to Change your Mindset – Part 1
Use questions to Change your Mindset – Part 2

change your mindset

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