Are You Distressed Over High Prices?

by Greatness HQ

High Prices

Are You Distressed Over High Prices? The rising costs of gas, food and everything else is having a negative effect on many people’s state of mind these days. Do you find yourself  getting distressed over the current economic situation?

High prices can definitely affect much more than our wallets, they can also influence our overall attitude and mindset.  Negative thoughts and feelings about money can easily rob us of our sense of joy and happiness, which puts us in the grip of negativity. It becomes like a big dark cloud blocking out our light. When we allow this to happen, realize it or not, we have given our power to negativity.

Negative feelings prevent us from being a truly happy, loving, and abundant person. Abundance and lack cannot coexist. One or the other will always prevail.

Two opposing forces of High Prices

Take a minute and focus on the words, positive, happy, loving, abundant. Those are good words aren’t they? They give us a positive and optimistic feeling.  That good feeling represents the way we truly want to be, our natural positive and loving state.

We actually block our ability to attract abundance into our lives when we hold the feeling that we lack money or any other resource. When we are confronted with high prices at the checkout stand or gas pump and we get distressed, it puts us in touch with these negative feelings.

Connecting the thoughts and feelings

Here’s how we can use these situations as an opportunity to raise our awareness and initiate a quantum shift from a mindset of lack to one of abundance.

The next time you find yourself in this kind of situation take a moment to notice if you are distressed about high prices. If so then you are in a mindset that is focused on lack. Our mind is only creative. It tries to create whatever we focus our attention on. If we hold in mind that prices are too high and we cannot afford it, our mind will immediately go to work to make that our reality.

Approval or disapproval?

When we don’t like something or feel distressed because of it, that means that we disapprove of it. By disapproving, we are sending negative energy to a situation we already see as negative. When we disapprove of anything or anyone we are feeding our consciousness with additional negative energy and compounding the problem.

When we make a decision and let go of the negativity and disapproval, we are releasing that negative energy from our consciousness. The next step is to project positive energy and approval into that situation, effectively replacing the negative with positive.

Granted, this shift in mindset won’t cause prices to come down, in fact they may even go up. What it will do is prevent external forces from having a negative influence on our sense of joy and abundance. When we operate from abundance we attract abundance into our life and free ourselves from the grip of negativity.

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