Belief Systems – Part 2 – Advanced Life Skills

by Greatness HQ


While personal experiences contribute to our belief systems, we need to keep in mind that there is always more than one way to interpret an experience.  We have the ability to determine what value we will assign to any experience in our life. We have the capacity to view even a negative experience as valuable and empowering.

People often develop limiting beliefs because in the past they have been unable to achieve the results they wanted. When past efforts have led to pain instead of pleasure, it is easy to conclude that further efforts will just lead to more pain.  This type of mindset creates a negative reinforcement loop.  With each painful experience fear increases and commitment decreases.  Consequently a lack of commitment produces disappointing results that reinforce the limiting belief system.

The domino effect of Belief systems

If this occurs in more than one area of our life, there is a danger that we may start viewing ourselves as destined to fail.  This is an extremely unhealthy pattern of belief which can literally paralyze the person so that they feel unable to act.  Such a pattern of learned helplessness is not based on reality but rather an exaggerated emotional reaction to the pain of disappointment.

An effective way to break a limiting belief system is to choose an area in your life where you know you can take control.  No matter who we are, there is always some area in our life where we feel a level of competence.  Set a reachable goal in that direction and then take action.  When you experience success, set another reachable goal in that same direction and follow through with more action.  Continue his pattern until you become comfortable with your success.

Repeat the process

Now you have created a positive reinforcement loop.  Choose another area in your life where you have some level of competence and repeat the process.

As your confidence grows allow yourself to identify with your own successes.  View yourself as a successful person and attach feelings of joy and achievement to your experiences. If you have people that care about you, explain to them your challenge and ask them to provide positive feedback every time you succeed in producing an intended result.  Now you will have both external and an internal positive reinforcement.

Creating a belief system that empowers you to confidently take action in the direction of your goals is a huge step in personal development.  Next, we will look at ways to dismantle a limiting belief system so that disappointing results do not lead us back into that trap.  Join me for Belief Systems – Part 3.

Belief Systems – Part 1
Belief Systems – Part 3
Belief Systems – Part 4.

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