Belief Systems – Part 4 – Advanced Life Skills

by Greatness HQ

It is quite possible to have limiting belief systems in place without even being aware of it.  As individuals, it is vital that we examine our own beliefs to make sure that they are empowering us rather than limiting us.  One of the best ways to do this is to write your beliefs down on two separate sheets of paper, those that empower you on one sheet and those that limit you on the other.

How do you view your own abilities?

The areas in your life that are producing good results are likely areas where you have empowering beliefs about your own abilities.  Take some time to examine those areas and the beliefs that support your success, then write those beliefs down.  These are your personal assets, these are the beliefs that you want to support and strengthen.

Are there areas in your life where you can’t seem to produce the results you intend?  Examine those areas and the beliefs that limit your success and write those beliefs down as well.  These are beliefs that need to be changed.  You can begin dismantling these beliefs by asking questions such as: What price have I paid because of these beliefs?  How are these beliefs affecting me financially, physically and emotionally?  Why did I get anchored in such beliefs to begin with?

Continue to question the validity and consequences of your limiting beliefs. By doing so you create a negative emotional anchor to those beliefs.  Now they represent pain and it becomes easier to abandon them.

belief systems person's hand holding book page

Next ask yourself a few simple questions.

1) What would I have to believe in order to succeed in this area of my life?
2) What would I have to do differently in order to produce the results I want?
3) What kind of empowering beliefs do I already have that I can apply to these areas of my life?

Now, look at your list of empowering beliefs and read them out loud. This list represents your resources and by saying them out loud you will unlock the answers to those 3 questions.  Write your answers down, and then read them out loud.  Allow yourself to develop a sense of certainty that, by changing your beliefs, you will be able to produce positive results.  Now you have something pleasurable to move toward.

More on Belief Systems

The actions that you take are sculpted by what you believe. By examining your current belief systems you can consistently choose beliefs that will empower you.

Belief Systems – Part 1
Belief Systems – Part 2
Belief Systems – Part 3

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