Designing a Personal Transformation

by Greatness HQ

What exactly is a personal transformation? The dictionary says that transformation is the act or process of being transformed.  So we are talking about change, but what kind of change?

Well, it could be anything from subtle changes in our personality to a complete, personal metamorphosis.

What do you want to change?

Maybe we want to change the way we look. Perhaps we feel that losing 10 or 15 pounds, and getting back in shape, would make a big difference.

We may want to change the way we relate to other people. Perhaps we feel that our life would be a more positive experience, if we could just improve the quality of our relationships. In other words, we want to develop more people skills.

Many people are hurting because of the economic downturn, and consequently, they are looking for a positive financial change, a financial transformation.

What does personal transformation mean to you?

When you think about a personal transformation, what comes to your mind?

Most of us probably think of some radical, all-encompassing change in a positive direction. We might think of elevating the quality of our whole life to an unprecedented degree.

That sounds really good, doesn’t it?

But, is such a transformation within the realm of reality, or is it just something to dream about? And, if it were within the realm of reality, what kinds of skills would be required to pull it off?

If it was possible, what would be involved?

Since a transformation is an ongoing process, obviously it requires some kind of systematic approach. A caterpillar does not become a butterfly by accident. Such a major transformation happens over a period of time, and involves a series of essential steps.

Doesn’t it seem logical that successfully elevating the quality of our life to an unprecedented degree would require a similar process? There are, in fact, certain essential steps that must be followed in the correct order. If we skip a step, or change the order, we won’t get the same results.

This does not necessarily mean the process is difficult. Making a cake requires a similar process, and yet, millions of people are capable of doing it. They simply follow a recipe that tells them what to do, and when.

Think about this next question carefully?

What if you had a life transformation recipe? Would you be willing to follow it?

If you had never made a cake before, would you try it without a recipe? If you did, what do you think would be your chances of success? How long would it take before you finally happened on the correct ingredients, and the right sequence?

Most of us are smart enough to realize the folly of such an approach.

Now, let’s apply that reasoning to creating the life we really want. Are we fumbling around in the kitchen trying to figure out what comes next, or are we following a recipe?

Designing a personal transformation is a lot more involved than making a cake. But, don’t be overwhelmed by the seeming complexity of such a challenge. It’s not as difficult as you might think, once you have the recipe.

When do you want it?

Life is far too short, and far too valuable to waste time trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t, especially if we don’t have to. The sooner we learn the life skills we need, the faster we will get the results we truly want.

Once we have a systematic approach, and know how to apply the skills we have learned, life becomes a whole new experience. Struggle is replaced by welcome challenges, and frustration gives way to purpose and satisfaction.

Regardless of what we want to change, all true transformation always begins on the inside. Once we become the person we want to be on the inside, our world rearranges itself accordingly. It doesn’t matter whether we want to be thinner, happier, richer, healthier, or all of those things, it always starts on the inside.

What can you do about it?

If you’re tired of fumbling around, looking for the answers, and wondering what comes next, now is a perfect chance to turn things around. Please, do yourself a favor – take a look at the recipe.

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