Enjoy Life, embrace personal growth

by Greatness HQ

Between the ages of 16 and 21 the human body stops getting taller, this happens when the bones in our skeletal system reach their full length. At what age is our mental and emotional growth supposed to stop?

Children grow year after year, not just physically but in every way. They are constantly leaning and experiencing new things. They drink in life and embrace the thrilling journey of discovery that comes from a spirit of adventure and discovery. It’s all growth.

Let me ask you two simple questions:

1) Are you totally satisfied and content with your knowledge about all the things that directly contribute to a life of happiness and fulfillment?

2) Do you feel emotionally equipped to always deal with your challenges in a way that allows you to fully tap your highest resources?

For those of us who value the process of personal growth and development the answer to those two simple questions will always be no. Why? The reason is simple, personal growth is a never-ending, self-perpetuating journey. The more progress we make, the more opportunity there is to continue making progress.

We can continue to gain a sense of satisfaction from the progress we make indefinitely. The quality and depth of our life will also continue to increases proportionately. Those are the rewards of accomplishment. But it’s the process of personal growth that allows us to truly enjoy life, to embrace each day as a thrilling journey with a spirit of adventure and discovery.

What’s the lesson here?

Learn to love the process and you will experience a truly exceptional life. You don’t need to conservatively parcel out your feelings of joy and satisfaction and you shouldn’t reserve them for your major accomplishments.

Learn to enjoy those feelings every single day of this wonderful, thought provoking, awe-inspiring journey of personal growth we call life. Enjoy the process! After all, isn’t that’s where you spend the majority of your time. To truly enjoy life we need to embrace a life long journey of personal growth.

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