Fit After 40 – Enjoy Your Best Years After Turning 40

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Fit After 40 - Enjoy Your Best Years After Turning 40

There is no other way to put it, if you are a man and over 40, you’re probably fat. Statistics show, the average man over 40 is between 20 and 23 percent body fat. That is about a six percent increase from the time when we were twice as young. Some men over 40 are over 40 percent body fat.

The next biggest problem we have is that we are about 10 percent less flexible than we were in our prime and our upper body strength and endurance is about 60 percent less than it was when we were at our peaks in our 20′s.

The reality is, it’s not really our fault. While some of us could workout harder or more often, the fact is, age has slowed the production of testosterone in our bodies. Production of the hormone that is responsible for strength, endurance, fat burn and virility decreases by 1 percent every year after 30. The secret to getting fit after 40 is testosterone.


One of the biggest problem we have as middle aged men when trying to get fit is that we simply don’t have the energy and recuperation rate that we did when we were younger. As a result, you need to supplement your diet with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and hormone boosters to increase our recovery time. There are four basic supplements you need if you are serious about getting into shape after 40.

Testosterone Pills

Testosterone pills or supplements, over-the-counter or prescription drug that boost or synthesizes testosterone, are a good means of increasing the level of T in your blood. There are different kinds for different purposes — some fight or slow certain kinds of cancer, others prevent erectile dysfunction and some are strictly to improve heath, — but any kind that raises your T level will help slow the aging process. Additionally, increasing your testosterone helps you get fit faster because you can workout harder, longer which means your lose weight and add muscle. The primary products on the market that are marketing them selves as testosterone pills are TestRush, MensPill, and TestRX.

Zinc and Magnesium

After 40, you need to pound the zinc and magnesium because these are the two fundamental minerals required for your body to recover and build. In combination, they can raise your testosterone levels by almost 30 percent. There is a reason body builders consume such large quantities of these two minerals in combination (3). Additionally, these two supplements do a tremendous amount to increase you immune system.

Calcium Supplements

Unless you are still a breakfast cereal eater or you have a glass of milk with dinner, you probably don’t have near the amount of calcium in your system that your body requires to keep your bones fit and healthy. Take calcium supplements whether you are working out or not, at least 1,000 milligrams a day (4).

Daily Vitamin

Even if you aren’t working out to get fit, you should be taking a daily vitamin. However, if you are trying to get in shape after the age of 40, a daily vitamin is especially important because, odds are, you aren’t getting all the vitamins you need in your food diet.

Fit After 40 Body Weight Exercises – Calisthenics and Plyometrics

You probably aren’t trying to set world records in the weight room after the age of 40. As such, don’t train like you are. After the age of 40, you should focus on three things: getting stronger, gaining endurance and losing weight, and that’s what body weight exercises do for you. By doing five body weight exercises a day and running, you will make massive strides in a short period of time.

Kipping Pull Ups
Kipping Pull Ups

Few men over 40 can do more than a handful of dead hang pull ups. As a result, doing them isn’t very productive. Kipping pull ups use your momentum to help you pull up and allow you to do many more meaning you get a good workout from them (5).

Push Ups

You already knew that. Don’t worry, the average man can only do 15 of them in a set. In other words, after you do them for a month and can bust out 30, you’re twice the man the average 40-year-old is!


Burpees are God’s gift to those wanting to burn fat and lose weight. Burpees work your legs, core, shoulders, buttocks, lower back and triceps. Only sprints can elevate your heart rate (the primary component of fat burn) faster than burpees (6).

Wind Sprints

Simply put, sprints burn fat much, much, much faster than jogging or running. More importantly, unless you are a sooner hound, jogging and running suck. Sprint for 30 seconds four times a morning and you can cut that silly 20 minute jog around the block which means you don’t have to watch every other fat, 40-year-old in the neighborhood scratch his backside as he walks back up the driveway after taking out the trash.


Yep, they are a worthless cosmetic lift that accomplish nothing except give you bulging biceps… and that’s the whole point. They are easy. Your biceps grow fast and if you are going to do burpees, pull ups, pushups and sprints everyday, you may as well reward yourself with a little vanity.

Stretch, Stretch, Stretch, Stretch, Str..

Sources and Citations:

  • (1)
  • (2)
  • (3)
  • (4)
  • (5)
  • (6)
  • Jason Ferruggia strength training

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