Genetic Code or Perception – Which is Stronger?

by Greatness HQ
Genetic Code or Perception - Which is Stronger

In a  recent conversation I stated that I believe our minds have the ability to communicate with our DNA. Genetic Code. I went on to say that I am convinced that our minds and perception can actually influence the expression of our genetic code. Needless to say, some who heard me say those things felt like I had gone round the bend. How about you? Does the thought that our perception can influence our genetic potential sound a little bit crazy to you?

Well, conventional thinking might label such comments as heresy. After all, isn’t it the doctors who make us well? Doesn’t science tell us that our propensity toward cancer, obesity, and a wide variety of other maladies is programmed into our genetic code? Hasn’t it been proven that IQ test can predict a child’s potential?

It’s all about perception

Here’s an important point to remember: Just because people have been programmed to believe those things does not make them true. After all, a few hundred years ago the earth wasn’t flat just because the “conventional wisdom of the day” said it was.

These two videos offer some brilliant new insight into the world of health and aging. I think they provide a window into a realm of amazing possibility and I hope you find them enlightening.

Questions answered in part 1

1) Does your genetic code control who you are? 2) What determines how your genetic code is expressed? 3) Can you change the effect of your genetics? 4) How powerful are your beliefs and perception? 5) Can beliefs influence healing, illness, and aging? 6) What is spontaneous remission and what causes it?

7) Is your perception wired directly to your cells?

Dr. Wayne Dyer & Dr. Bruce Lipton, part 1

Questions answered in part 2

1) How connected are the mind and body? 2) Are you a single entity or a community? 3) How do you connect the mind with the cells? 4) What programs your subconscious mind? 5) When does subconscious programming begin?

6) What is the most important decision you will ever make?

Dr. Wayne Dyer & Dr. Bruce Lipton, part 2

Now that you have more information

Do you think it might be possible for our minds to communicate with our DNA?

This concept, though it may seem unconventional, is grounded in emerging research from the fields of epigenetics and psychoneuroimmunology. The basic premise is that our thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions can influence our biological processes, including the expression of our genetic code.

The application here is enormous! If we send the right signals to our genes, we can change the way our personal genetic code is expressed in the real world. Health is a huge factor in the aging process, encompassing physical, mental, and emotional health. Our genes are not immutable; they respond to various signals from our environment, including the signals sent by our minds. This means that through positive thinking, mindfulness, and emotional regulation, we can potentially improve our overall health and well-being.

Imagine the implications: if we believe that we are at the mercy of our genes, we become helpless victims. This mindset can lead to a deterministic view of health, where we feel powerless to change our circumstances. However, even in such a scenario, we wouldn’t be victims of our genetic code, but of our own negative perceptions and beliefs regarding our genetics. Negative beliefs can create stress and anxiety, which in turn can negatively affect our health.

How much better it would be to use the incredible power of belief to heal ourselves. Positive beliefs and a hopeful outlook can reduce stress, enhance immune function, and promote healing. By maintaining a positive perception, we can program our genes to favor a long, productive, and healthy life. Techniques such as meditation, visualization, and positive affirmations can help send beneficial signals to our genes.

Research has shown that our mental state can influence gene expression. For instance, studies on mindfulness meditation have demonstrated changes in the expression of genes related to inflammation and stress response. Similarly, practices that foster positive emotions and reduce stress have been linked to beneficial genetic changes.

Isn’t it about time you had a little talk with your DNA? By embracing the potential of mind-body communication, we open ourselves up to a realm of possibilities where we can actively participate in our own health and healing. This is not to say that traditional medical treatments should be disregarded, but rather that we should consider integrating positive mental practices into our health regimen.

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