100 Day Challenge
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Welcome to the 100 day challenge, where our mission is to inspire, promote, and to celebrate excellence.
The purpose of this web seminar is threefold.
First to explain the importance of starting the year fast and focused.
The second, to provide you with a blueprint that is specific actions and implementation strategies that you can deploy in order to secure a fast and focused start to the new year.
And number three. To introduce you to the most extreme performance acceleration program in the world. The 100 day challenge.
So lets get started by focusing in on the critical question. Why is it important to start the year fast an focused?
The new year provides you with a window of opportunity to blast out of the gate fast, focused and fired up. And as with any opportunity you have an obligation to capitalize on it, and if you don’t –someone else will. The importance of how you execute the first 100 days of the year cannot be overstated If you have a successful first 100 days, you are building momentum and setting yourself up for a successful year. This approach is both smart business and quickly becomes a devastating competitive advantage. These first 100 days of the year are when you have got to give it everything you have got. The following provides you with the motivational fuel and justification to start the year fast, focused and fully committed to driving massive results.
So let’s look at the first reason for starting the year fast and focused.
It provides you with a fixed deadline. The best part about a fixed 100 day deadline is the clarity adn conviction it brings to your daily actions. Knowing that the clock is ticking is one of the best motivators for starting fast and focused.
The second has to do with a chance for redemption. Is you finished the past year below target or unhappy with your overall performance. Then you must consider the first 100 days of this year as a now or never opportunity to redeem yourself. Look at his as comeback time, as an opportunity to begin the New year with a clean slate and a clear focus on the future. In fact if you did indeed end this past year below target and your back is still against the wall, I suggest you get mad. The fact is pain, failure, loss and embarrassment are such great motivators. And you should allow adversity to force your hand to make new choices and take new actions. I want you to use the pain as fuel that drives your comeback. If you don’t it will become the fuel that perpetuates your current situation.
The third reason is that it sets an inspiring example. Your performance can be seen as the sad consequence of neglect, poor character, lack of direction and ambition. Or it can be seen as an inspiring example of talent put to use in the intense pursiot of clearly defined goals.
The fourth reason is that it allows you to build momentum for the new year. See building and sustaining momentum is one of the smartest things you can do during these first 100 days. As it provides you with a powerful platform for making this the best year of your life.
Number five. It allows you to intensify focus. Knowing that both options and time are diminishing assets, your ability to focus on high pay-off activities becomes an obvious priority for securing a fast start to the new year.
That leaves us to number six. It allows you to close your execution gaps. The goals that companies and individuals set for themselves often bear little resemblance to the results they actually achieve. The root cause of the disconnect between intended goals and actual performance. Is that most companies and individuals do not have an effective strategy execution process that consistently delivers results. If you need proof of that fact, simply analyse your results for the past year. That analysis will quickly provide evidence as to the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of your current strategies as well as the quality, consistency and intensity of your efforts. The 100 day challenge is designed to close all execution gaps quickly.
Read about the 10 Resolutions that successful people make and keep
Number is about revealing character. Your ability to start the year fast and focused is all about character. It’s about turning a flashlight to your soul to inspect yourself for will, courage, and conviction. To see what you are really made of, and to demonstrate how hungry you really are.
Number eight and perhaps the most important of all it throws down a challenge. There’s nothing like a good old-fashioned challenge to test your limits. To exceed your quotas and expectations, to keep your teeth sharp, and to see how far you can go by starting fast and focused.
Click Here To Check Out The 100 Day Challenge
Now lets change gears and focus on another key question – What specific steps or strategies can you deploy in order to secure a strong year-end finish?
The following are ten simple, highly effective and empowering strategies to step up the quality, quantity, and intensity of your efforts. By implementing this 10 point blueprint, you will accelerate your performance, drive massive results and you will start the year fast and focused.
1. Get serious. With a finite period of time breathing down your neck. you have no choice but to get serious, set crystal clear goals, raise the bar, step up your game and embrace a take-no-prisoners attitude. You will make rapid advances toward your goals only after you decide to get serious about getting results. And we must remember that serious professionals play to win by starting fast ,building momentum, and finishing strong.
2. Start saying no. ‘No’ is the most powerful word in your vocabulary as it’s the easiest word for setting a limit, holding firm to boundaries and being clear about what you will or will not do for these first 100 days. And you will be a lot more productive once you recognize these three things.
The first ‘No’ is not a dirty word, negative word , nor is it a selfish word. Learning to say ‘No’ is liberating as it frees up your time to focus on your key priorities.
The second. You are in complete control of how you spend your time and your life. Saying “No” allows you more time and energy to pursue your goals and wildest ambitions.
The third part. Saying “No” increases the value of the things you can, “Yes” to. The fact is your success demands a short YES list and a long NO list, yet most people have that one reverse engineered.
Saying ‘No’ is the most strategic decision you can make as it improves and accelerates your effectiveness – guaranteeing a fast and focused start to the new year.
3. Act boldly. In a 100 day sprint, there’s no time for indecision, doubt, excuses, blaming or procrastination. You simply cannot allow any of these self destructive behavioural traits to perpetuate. Now is the time for boldness as every act of boldness accelerates the pace with which you drive results. Boldness means taking risks and executing your plans aggressively.
Your finest hour will not come from a weak, wimpy, nor a half hearted effort. Therefore you must- Go big, Go bold or Go home!
4.Set Challenging Deadlines. You work best under a self determined or externally fixed deadline for achieving goals. The reason for this is simple; any task, project or goal takes as much time as you allow for it to take. By setting non negotiable, challenging deadlines which drive you to deliver the goods. You virtually guarantee big, consistent wins right from the very first day of the year.
5. You must create a sense of urgency. To achieve your goals and to finish the year strong, you need a flame under your behind which ignites a performance explosion. You must take massive action everyday and develop a sense of urgency and importance about what you are doing. I’m talking about Urgency to the extent that getting results and achieving your goals is a matter of life or death.
6. Speed things up. The old rules no longer apply. It’s not the big that eats the small; it’s the fast that eats the slow. The key to rapid, ongoing and transformational results is to recognize the competitive power of speed in everything you do and to turn the pursuit of speed into your primary weapon for starting the year fast and focused.
7. Refuse to die. Those with the character to do what it takes to start the year fast and focused tend not to allow the indignity of a past poor year performance to keep them down. A comeback accepts disaster, laughs in it’s face, and crawls to his feet again. When you are down or below target other people will write you off. But do not let them define you – maintain your dignity and refuse to die and blast out of the gate strong.
8. Be relentless. By choosing to be relentless, you are demonstrating no abatement of severity, intensity, strength, or pace. Nor are you softening or yielding in determination. Starting the year fast and focused necessitates that you fight on with undying, relentless determination. The rewards for those who are unyielding in their pursuit of a fast start far exceed the pain that must precede the victory.
9. Be unreasonable. The goal of starting the year fast and focused can only be achieved by unreasonable people driven by unreasonable expectations. Therefore you must become unreasonable in what you expect from yourself, and in the demands you make on others. the only way to create big, bold, breakthrough year-end results is to take the road less travelled. To set goals and plans that are unreasonable-and going for it.
10. Make everything count. As you work towards the goal of starting the year fast and focused you must understand that there will never be a day that will not require dedication, discipline, perseverance, accountability and the opportunity to execute relentlessly. Each day counts and everything, regardless of size or intent, has bottom-line consequences which move you towards or away from your goals! Regardless of last results, you and I both know that no matter how good or bad your results have been. You can always do better – much better, and I’d like to show you how by introducing you to the 100 day challenge!
The 100 Day Challenge is a powerful catalyst for transforming human potential into extraordinary results faster than you ever thought possible. And most importantly it is the perfect catalyst for starting the year fast and focused. The 100 day challenge is the world most powerful goal setting program appropriate for the boardroom, classroom, locker room and living room. And during these critically important days of the new year, tens of thousands of people and organizations around the world will use this extreme performance acceleration program to redeem themselves, to set and achieve some big challenging goals, and most important, they will start the year fast and focused. In order for you to accelerate your performance and start the year fast you need a specific set of goals, a well-designed plan of action and a raging fire under your behind that compels you to act with urgency and resolve. That is what the 100 day challenge is all about.
So you may be asking yourself what makes this program so effective? The secret behind the 100 day challenge is an accelerated coaching and multi level accountability system. Which fast tracks your results by keeping you focused on and committed to your priority goals. The overall concept is built around two motivational tenets; a fixed period of time which is deadline driven (100 days). A strong desire to accomplish worthwhile goals within that deadline. Now any task or goal takes as much time as you allow for it to take. By setting non-negotiable deadlines and by not allowing much time to get the results you expect. it won’t take much time to start seeing amazing results. Each day of the 100 Day Challenge is designed to keep you on your toes. You will be constantly challenged to perform, and expected to complete tasks and activities on deadline. The discipline of deadline enforcement ensures rapid and ongoing goal achievement. That is why you will be putting this powerful strategic weapon to good use.
This is a great place for us to wrap up this webinar as there are only a few days left for you to sign up for this life changing program. And to do the work necessary to start the year fast and focused. So come join us as your great adventure is about to begin!