Happiness and the Gift of Giving

by Greatness HQ

Giving is one of the greatest sources of happiness and satisfaction known to humankind.  Have you ever wondered why that is? For some reason there seems to be an undeniable connection between our own happiness and our willingness to contribute to others?

We are in fact actually hardwired with this connection. Giving on any level just naturally makes us feel good inside. Case in point, have you ever met a philanthropist who was sad or depressed? And why do you suppose that volunteers often seem to enjoy their work more than some who get paid for doing the same thing?

Developing your inner philanthropist

A person who practices philanthropy doesn’t ask “What’s in it for me?” Instead of selfish pursuits, they are more concerned with making a positive difference in someone else’s life. They are happy because happiness is a byproduct of giving from the heart.

If we buy into the idea that happiness can be pursued directly through a selfish “What’s in it for me?” mentality, we will come up short every time. Oh, we may get some pleasure from the things we acquire, but that deep sense of satisfaction we are looking for will continue to elude us.

Cultivate the desire to contribute

Contrary to popular opinion; the rewards of selfish pursuits are extremely limited and empty.  We all have a need to serve a greater cause than ‘self,’ whether we are aware of it or not. Deep down, it is part of our nature to want to help others, to make a positive difference in their lives.

Sometimes, this can be a difficult concept to grasp, especially if we are struggling to meet our own needs.  That’s because struggle and lack can obscure our appreciation for the happiness associated with giving. In reality, the ability to make a meaningful contribution to the lives of others does not depend on our financial circumstances. Compulsory giving out of a sense of obligation is not the same as giving from the heart.

Give from your hearts abundance

Something as simple as the gift of a sincere smile can mean a lot to someone who is feeling down. How about helping an elderly person, or a mother trying to manage her children, load their groceries into their car? Think that might make a significant difference in their day? Many children grow up having spent very little one-on-one time with their parents as individuals. Giving of your time is a gift of incomparable value to your children.

The point is, when you are willing to give from the abundance of your heart there is never any shortage of gifts or lack of opportunities. The idea that we are obligated to give at certain times and in certain ways has distorted the whole concept of giving. Which would you rather receive – a gift from the heart or one that came from a sense of obligation and social pressure?

Expand your heart and experience greater happiness

Once we begin to experiment with different ways of helping others we may discover a wide array of surprising benefits.  Helping others is always a worthwhile pursuit all on its own, and that’s how we should view it.  But in reality, most forms of giving also include receiving on some level.

That’s because there is a special kind of satisfaction that comes only through giving.  In fact I don’t believe it is possible to experience a deeply satisfying and fulfilling life without a personal commitment to contributing to others in positive ways.

Happiness is the byproduct of giving from the heart

We can expect to experience a powerful internal transformation once we embrace the role of a contributor.  It automatically initiates a quantum shift in our values and beliefs.  Our perception of what is important in life takes on a new dimension and our concept of reality begins to expand around the desire to help others.

A willingness to contribute should always be fueled by an unselfish desire to give without any thought of getting something in return.  Even so, those you help will often express gratitude.  Once your heart is touched by the grateful appreciation of another, you will be hooked on giving.

The experience of receiving on that level expands your heart and changes your sense of identity. In some very tangible and amazing ways, giving is truly a gift that bring greater happiness to everyone involved.

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