How Your Beliefs Create Your Reality part 5

by Greatness HQ

So far in this series we have focused mainly on the role of our internal map of reality. We have also talked about how our beliefs serve as our internal map makers.

Learning to create a reality that empowers us, rather than limiting us, is certainly a powerful and advanced life skill. This skill, perhaps more than any other, has the ability to totally transform the quality of our lives.

Editors note: This is the fifth and final part in a series of articles about
How Your Beliefs Create Your Reality. Here are the links to the other articles:

Part 1: What We Believe to Be True

Part 2: Your Internal Map of Reality
Part 3: Defending Your Beliefs
Part 4: Upgrading Your Beliefs
Part 5: Beyond the Map

But wait, there’s more!

Creating an internal map of reality based on empowering beliefs is definitely something everyone should endeavor to do. With that said, I don’t want you to conclude that mastering this ability constitutes the final frontier, because it doesn’t.

In fact, the real key to a life of wonderment and awe is not found within the confines of a intricately detailed map of reality where every square inch is ruled over by some established belief. That wouldn’t be much fun! The real key to such a life actually lies…

Part 5: Beyond the Map

The problem with being too locked in to a minutely detailed map is that everything is (seemingly) accounted for. Perhaps this point can be best made by looking at our earth.

What happens to people’s perception in areas where every square inch of land is accounted for? Don’t they tend to live by, and be restricted by, precisely drawn boundaries? And doesn’t that reality have a way of fostering preconceived ideas about how things are supposed to be? To a large extent, those boundaries put very real limits on their life experience.

A different perspective

Now, what happens to our perception of the earth when we view it from space? About the only boundaries we can still see are the continents and oceans. And from that vantage point, what is our impression of the planet? It’s beautiful, right?

The point is, too many details and boundaries tend to shrink our focus. They can easily blind us to the beauty that surrounds us. If everything is precisely defined, we can quickly lose our sense of wonderment and awe.

Balancing boundaries

What does it take to experience life in a productive and meaningful way, and still maintain our sense of discovery and adventure? At what point do the boundaries on our internal map of reality cross the line from empowering to limiting?

In parts 3 and 4 of this series, we established that it is our beliefs about who we are, and what we are capable of, that are either empowering or limiting. So, once again, it all comes back to how our beliefs create our reality. Only this time, we are looking at the concept of limiting and empowering from a completely different angle.

Treasure Hunting

When you think of a treasure map, what kind of image does that conjure up? Usually, it’s a map with some notable place markers, but not too many details. At least that’s how it is in the movies!

Finding the treasure always involves an adventure of discovery. The treasure hunters have barely enough details to keep them moving in the right direction. Everything else is discovered along the way. It’s an adventure that keeps them fully engaged and living in the moment.

Your internal Beliefs map of reality

For life to be an adventure of wonderment and awe, we need to treat it like a treasure hunt. We need our empowering beliefs to keep us headed in the right direction. To maintain our sense of adventure, we also need to avoid the trap of too many precise boundaries and preconceived ideas.

Living beyond the map does not mean that we don’t have a map. It means that we choose to discover the details along the way, rather than try to fill them in ahead of time. It means approaching situations, people, and experiences with a sense of open curiosity. It means that we look for the treasures that are unfolding with each new day.

A shift in perception

When we are truly empowered by our beliefs, life gets simpler. We tend to let go of judgments and expectations, and replace them with compassion and curiosity.

When we look at the earth from space, there are no national boundaries, conflicts, agendas, or disappointments. There is only beauty! Once we learn to view life from beyond the map, it’s pretty much the same scenario. It’s a beautiful treasure of wonderment and awe.

My book TRUE SELF is the fastest inexpensive way (coaching is the fastest) to make positive life changes very quickly. From discovering and dismantling your limiting beliefs, to aligning with and realizing your most cherished goals – and everything in between. TRUE SELF will guide you through the process.

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