Judgmental – Is it Really a Bad Thing to be Judgmental?

by Greatness HQ


Is it Really a Bad Thing to be Judgmental? We go through life being taught by our friends, family, and mentors that we shouldn’t judge others. It’s not fair to the other person when we judge them before we know them. But is it really possible to stop being judgmental?

As humans, we’ve determined situations for our entire existence. In ancient times, if something looked dangerous, it probably was. When we looked up at a dark and cloudy sky, through proper judgment, we conclude that it could be either a peaceful rain shower, or even a thunderous lightening storm. If we heard the roar of a great beast, we judged that the best thing to do is to get out of the area.

Bad Thing to be Judgmental

Today, we still judge situations in the same manner. If we hear sirens, it might means danger or a relief notification. If we hear gunshots and we’re near a track meet, we determine that a race has begun. If we’re not near a track meet, head for the hills!

So if we have arbitrated things like this for thousands of years, how can we be expected not to judge other people? People and these situations are similar in that they give off first impressions towards which we act accordingly. Through dress and physical appearance, we determine the class or nature of a person’s being.

A few examples include: – Fireman’s uniform and hat – friendly neighborhood firefighter – Police uniform and hat – enforcer of the law, preferably friendly – Regular suited individual – middle class worker and up

– Unfitted/baggy clothed individual – lower to middle class

Should we assume that a firefighter is an armed robber under that uniform? That the suited individual is a street vendor? That the person wearing baggy clothes is the CEO of a Fortune 500 company?

No. But of course, you have every right to assume those things, so go right
ahead (although I advise you not to as things could get messy).

So what’s the solution?

Judge if you must, but first and foremost you have to give respect. Instead of preaching to everyone to stop judging, we should be preaching to everyone to be respectful.

It doesn’t matter how the person looks or how they make themselves out to be. Act towards a person’s actions instead of a person’s appearance. Apply this to all people regardless of where they are from. This principle will not only guide you to the people you resonate with, but it will also insure that you will be constantly surprised by the wisdom that can come from under any rock.

“When you meet a man, you judge him by his clothes;
when you leave, you judge him by his heart” – Russian Proverb

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