Good Idea – Is More Success Always a Good Idea?

by Greatness HQ

Good Idea for Success

What is a Good Idea for Success? When confronted with some new opportunity or challenge, often the first thing we think of is “can I or can’t I do this?” Most of the time, what’s really being considered here is “do I have the ability to do this?”

To answer that question, your mind will first analyze what it thinks is required. Next, it will compare that information to the resources on hand and draw a conclusion.

Pursuing success Good Idea

Deciding that we can do something might seem to suggest that we should go for it. After all, our chance for success appears to be very good, so, why not?

I have slipped into this kind of reasoning several times in my life, and it has taught me some interesting lessons about the two faces of success. These lessons have proved very valuable over the years and I hope you can benefit from them as well.

Multiplying success

I love the feeling of accomplishment that success brings. How about you? When your efforts pay off, does it make you want to raise the bar and do it again?

Without a doubt, some of the greatest successes in every field of human endeavor have been the result of this kind of approach. But knowing that success can be multiplied brings up an important question.

Is more success really the best choice?

Surprisingly, the pursuit of greater success can easily reach a point of diminishing returns.

The truth is, more is not always better, sometimes it’s just more! Even worse, when things get too far out of balance, more can actually become less. To avoid the downside of success, we should always consider…

How much is enough?

If you enjoy the health benefits of running 5 to 10 miles per week, does that mean that you would be better off running marathons?

Imagine that your business makes you a good income working 20 hours a week with only three employees. Does that mean that you should hire 20 more people and really grow your business?

I can’t answer those questions for you, but I can suggest that you carefully consider your personal definition of success.

What do you really want?

Do you want to be fit and healthy, or do you want to see how much punishment your body can take? Do you want a business that makes you a comfortable living with plenty of time for other activities, or do you want to join the Fortune 500?

I’m not saying that there is anything wrong with any of these choices. It’s entirely up to you. What I am saying is that everything comes with a cost. So before you set your sights on more, it’s a good idea to look at the trade offs involved.

It’s easy to get carried away!

I love to work out, but there was a time when I forgot why I went to the gym. Once I discovered that I had the ability to lift very heavy weights, I thought – why not go for it?

That was not a balanced approach and ultimately, it came with a price. The problem was, I forgot to consider the “other” possible consequences of that kind of physical stress. As a result of my shortsightedness, I suffered a number of unnecessary injuries during that period of time. Some of those injuries are still with me today as a painful reminder.

A similar thing happened back in 1999 and 2000. That’s when I foolishly went from being a casual stock market investor, to a full time stock market junkie. Another very expensive and painful lesson.

Keep your eye on the ball

As good as success feels, it’s way too easy to get caught up in the pursuit and lose your balance. Understanding what success means to you personally can save you a lot of needless pain and hardship.

What it all comes down to is this. Balance is one of the most advanced life skills you will ever learn. In almost every area of life, balance is the key to living a life you can truly enjoy. To stay balanced you need to see the big picture and make decisions based on what you truly want.

Make sure you maintain a clear picture of what success means to you and don’t get caught up in the “more is better” mindset. Sometimes, less is really more!

My book TRUE SELF is the fastest inexpensive way (coaching is the fastest) to make positive life changes very quickly. Do you want to discover your core passions, dismantle your hidden, limiting beliefs, and realize your most desired goals? TRUE SELF will guide you smoothly through the process.

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