Is Your Life with fulfillment or Disappointing?

by Greatness HQ

Do you ever feel that perhaps there is some vital element of your life missing? When you hear others talk about their deepest passions, do you look at your own life and wonder why you don’t have those same feelings of fulfillment?

When someone speaks of how they find their work, marriage, or daily activities incredibly meaningful and satisfying, do you ever feel shortchanged? Have you ever thought: “What are my deepest passions, and why doesn’t my life feel very satisfying and meaningful?” Have such questions ever left you wondering…

Is there something seriously wrong with me?

Rest assured, the vast majority of people wonder the very same thing in regard to one or more areas of their life. When we become aware of how other peoples life experience seems to be richer and more meaningful than ours, we can’t help wanting the same thing.

Deep down, we all know that life can and should be full of meaning and fulfillment. Then why is it that so few people actually find those things? Why does the richness of life seem to be missed by some, and fully experienced by others?

Could it be circumstances that make a meaningful life?

Is it because some people are just lucky enough to be born into a situation that makes it easy to have a richer life experience? Maybe they were raised by exceptionally loving and insightful parents. Perhaps they had a wise teacher or mentor who helped them unlock some kind of deeper understanding about life at a young age.

Certainly, any scenario similar to these could create an advantage. And obviously, this would not be an advantage that is shared by everyone. But when we interview people who are actually living lives full of meaning and passion, what do we find?

Very few had the advantage of favorable circumstances

In fact; many times they grew up in circumstances that were not advantageous at all. If anything, the exact opposite seems to be true. The personal history of many who are “successful at Life,” shows that circumstances of extreme disadvantage are often a part of their story.

As convenient as it might be to blame circumstances for our lot in life, I’m afraid that argument just won’t hold water. Well. If it’s not circumstances that make a meaningful life, then…

Maybe it’s genetics!

Even with very young children, we can easily see that some are more curious or determined than others. Is it possible that those are the qualities that translate into a more meaningful life in later years?

Again, what do we find by way of genetic characteristics when we examine the those who live lives of exceptional quality? Like any other cross section of people, we find a wide variety of personality traits. Some are introverts, and some are extroverts. There is no genetic pattern for a rich and meaningful life. In fact, being overly curious and determined can just as easily lead to a disappointing life as it can to a rewarding one.

If it’s not circumstances or genetics, then what is it?

Surely, there must be some common thread that is shared by people whose lives seem to be fuller and richer than the norm. There must be something that they are doing differently that accounts for their exceptional results.

Looking at their example, what can regular, everyday people do to raise the quality of their lives from disappointing, to passionate and fulfilling? This may help…

7 strategies to improve your life experience!

1) Take full responsibility for your reality. Forget about your circumstances and genetics. While you’re at it, forget about your past, your finances, your physical limitations, or anything else that can be used as an excuse. If you are making excuses then you have the mindset of a helpless victim. Take responsibility and you can take control.

2) Connect the dots. Your life experience today is the result of the thoughts, actions, and decisions you have made along the way. Figure out what those were, and change whatever isn’t working. If you want different results, you need to change the way you think, act, and decide. Doing the same thing over and over again will not produce new results.

3) Figure out who you really are. Your life will never be fulfilling until you know who you are on a core level. Pursuing someone else’s dreams will not bring you satisfaction. Living by someone else’s standards will not bring you inner peace. Self-discovery is fundamental to improving the quality of your life experience.

4) Discover your deepest passions. We all have passions, but often they have been buried by years of doing what we are supposed to do rather than what we want to do. There is nothing wrong with doing what needs to be done. However, over time it does tend to push our passions into the background. You need to reconnect with your personal passions.

5) Forget about the concept of scarcity. This concept only exists in your mind, and it acts as a restraint in every aspect of your life. Life is abundant by nature, stop placing self-imposed limits on what you think you can accomplish or experience. There is more than enough opportunity available to you. Stop limiting yourself.

6) Learn the life skills that will produce your desired results. If your old skills haven’t produced the quality of life you want, then obviously, you need to learn new skills. There are proven strategies and techniques for everything, including a more rewarding life. Whatever you want from your life experience, there are skills to help you get it. Learn those skills.

7) Take action every day. Life is not about what you know or what you have. Your life is the result of what you do. Once you have done the first six things on this list, you must take action. Knowing what to do will not change anything. Only action produces results. If you don’t produce your intended result, make an adjustment and take more action.

Of all the factors that differentiate those with a rewarding and meaningful life from those with a disappointing one, the ability to take consistent action in the direction of their goals is primary. Knowledge that is not followed by action is just useless data. Take action every day.

Does all this seem like a tall order?

Even if it does, aren’t you worth it? This is another important quality of those whose lives seems extraordinary, they are willing to learn and do whatever it takes. They want a satisfying life enough to go after it. Is that how you feel? Are you ready to leave disappointment in the dust and join the minority of people who find life to be a wonderful and rewarding adventure?

If so, why not start today by working on the 7 strategies above. Your life can be whatever you want it to be, but it won’t happen unless you make it happen. Why not take action right now?

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