Lacking Self Confidence? – Advanced Life Skills

by Greatness HQ

lacking self confidence

Are you lacking self Confidence? Even if you are relatively happy with your life as it is now, know that a boost in self-confidence can make it dramatically more enjoyable and meaningful!

Believe it or not, many people have no clue how they ended up with low self-confidence.  There are the more severe cases, of course; people who were abused or neglected while they were children.  If you are one of those people, you can see obvious reasons for your lack of confidence.  But what if you didn’t have an abusive or traumatic childhood?

Average people and low self-confidence

So, we understand the severe cases, but how does an average, everyday sort of person end up with low self-confidence?

Most often, it’s the result of negative comments and attitudes by the important people in your life while you were growing up.  Now, usually these people don’t intend to be cruel or hurtful.  Most of the time they are actually trying to be helpful by offering criticism or guidance, but their words sink into your subconscious mind and begin shaping your self-image.

Let’s look at 3 examples of Lacking Self confidence:

1. If your parents were very busy and distracted while you were growing up, you may not have received the attention you craved from them.  Their busyness may have made you feel like you didn’t matter, that you weren’t worthy of the time they would have spent with you.  They may have thought no such thing, but interpreting it that way could have caused you to feel unsure of yourself. Perhaps you started to believe that you were somehow lacking as a person.

2. If your mother or father usually gave you attention only for the “bad” things you did – like scolding you for getting poor grades in school, or for making a mess in your bedroom, you probably internalized the things they said.  If they didn’t balance those negative comments with more positive messages of love and praise, you’d likely begin to see yourself in a negative light.

3. Maybe you were picked on by other kids in school for being “different” in some way, or laughed at whenever to tried to do something new. Such experiences can have a major effect on self-confidence, even if they were completely unfounded.

Limiting beliefs can grow from negative experiences

There are dozens of possible examples, but all of them have one thing in common:  someone said negative or unflattering things to or about you, and you internalized them and began to believe them, at least subconsciously.

It’s important to point out that 99% of the time this is NOT done purposely.  I don’t want to turn this into a blame game, because it really doesn’t matter what others did or said to you in the past.  What’s important is what you choose to do about it NOW.

Letting go and moving on

The past is just that, it’s done and over. My book TRUE SELF will teach you how to dismantle your limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering beliefs. Then it will show you step-by-step how to ramp up your self confidence and accomplish your most cherished goals. Isn’t that what you really want?

So, what’s stopping you?

Watch this video: To truly understand what is involved in building unstoppable self-confidence, we first must understand the relationship of Cause and Effect. In this short video Dr. Robert Anthony explains why cause is more powerful than effect and how you can use this knowledge to build your self-confidence very quickly. Self-Confidence Creator Video.

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