Make It Happen Now Countdown UPDATE

by Greatness HQ


This is day 45 of my “Make It Happen Now – 2009 Countdown Challenge.” Hard to believe isn’t it? Yes, we are already at the half way point. I thought this would be a good time to revisit the challenge and see how things are going.

You may recall that it was (and still is) my intention to accomplish more in the last 90 days of 2009 than in the previous 9 months combined. I made myself accountable by laying out my end of the year goals for all to see. I also invited our readers to do the same, which many of you did.

The Countdown halfway mark, it’s time to regroup

Before you know it the year will be over. Remember, this is a 2009 Countdown Challenge, not 2010. If you focus on next year, then you’ve already written this year off. Don’t do that to yourself. Focus on the here and now and make this year really count for something. Accomplishment happens in the present, not the future.

Taking the time to evaluate our progress while working toward a goal is one of the keys to success. With that in mind, and in the spirit of accountability, I am going to review my progress on all four of my goals, and I invite you to do the same. The adjustments we make now are vital for staying on track.

My goals, restated and evaluated updated

1) Physically – I’ll be in my best shape in a decade after 90 days. To reach this goal, I started the P90X extreme fitness program. I’ve heard considerable negative feedback about this program, and that’s fine. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, including me. So, here’s mine…

I love it. Yes, it’s extreme, but so are the results. Personally, I needed a giant pattern interrupt to overcome some “fitness apathy.” Well, this program doesn’t just ask for your focus, it demands it. No aspect of fitness training is left out including strength, balance, agility, speed, flexibility, and coordination.

Admittedly, P90X is not for everyone, and it’s not designed for continued use over long periods of time. The best description I can think of is “fitness boot-camp.” I didn’t fully appreciate the genius of this program until I had been doing it for several weeks. Now I know I will reach my fitness goal.

2) Business – I will launch a new 26 week coaching program. This has been the most challenging of my four goals. I have had to deal with an onslaught of unavoidable distractions over the last 45 days, putting me behind schedule in this area. I am about to double my focus in this area to insure success.

Here’s what I’ve got so far: The coaching program is called Mastering Your Midlife. I have the curriculum outlined, the product designed, and the free CD offer, blog, and related pages are now about 80% done. I still have several videos/CD’s to create, plus I need to arrange for the production of the free CD.

This is a huge project, but I feel confident that, with increased focus, it will come together nicely. I’ll keep you posted.

3) Mental and Emotional – I will achieve massive personal growth. I continue to use the breakthrough personal growth technology called Holosync by Centerpointe on a daily basis, with good results. At some point in the near future I will write more about Holosync. For now, let me just say that this one delivers and I plan to stay with it for many years.

4) On the home front. The kitchen remodel is almost done, and it looks great. We get more than our share of gray, rainy days during the winter, and a lighter, brighter kitchen will be a welcome change. Even more importantly, it makes my wife happy and that is always a good thing.

I should finish the kitchen project this week, which will make more time available for my new business venture.

How about you ???

With focus and motivation, you can accomplish a lot in 45 days. Do you have a plan? If so, I encourage you to pull out the stops and get after it. While the vast majority are making new year’s resolutions, I plan to be celebrating my accomplishments for 2009. How about you?

This is a good time to review the last subheading in the original article called: What it takes to reach a meaningful goal in 90 days, along with the follow up article called What It Takes To Accomplish Your Dreams.

If you are one of the many who set one or more goals for the countdown challenge, please update us on your progress. If not, this would be a perfect time to jump in and make something happen. Why not go for it while there’s still time and you’ve got all this encouragement? Go ahead, Make It Happen Now!

OK, let’s talk about it –
The lines are open!

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