What is the one thing that can induce a paralyzing sense of fear in otherwise confident people and stand in the way of their career advancement? A great presentation can often be the deciding factor when it comes to new career opportunities. But public speaking is also one of the things people fear most.
What does it take to become an energetic and influential public speaker? Do you need to have a special gift or…
Can anyone develop this ability?
This short video has some excellent tips on public speaking from the 2001 World Champion of Public Speaking, Darren LaCroix. To win his title he had to speak better than 25,000 contestants from 14 countries. Since that victory, Darren has traveled the world teaching others exactly what it takes to become an extraordinary public speaker
In fact, Darren has such a wealth of public speaking knowledge and experience that when my friend and colleague Andrew Rondeau was creating his excellent course on mastering public speaking, he got Darren involved in the project. Here’s a sample of Darren in action.
The remaining 3 tips that Darren mentioned can be found in a second video at Andrew Rondeau comprehensive resource for mastering public speaking.