Money, is it a Source of Freedom or Frustration?

by Greatness HQ

Have you ever envied people that are able to easily make gobs of money while doing something they really enjoy? Sadly, most people have a completely different financial reality. How do you feel about that?

Money occupies a very unique place in our lives for several reasons. When making it is something that we struggle with, then we can end up spending huge chunks of our time and energy doing things we don’t really want to do, just so we can pay the bills.

On the other hand, when we enjoy what we do and are well compensated for our efforts, money comes to represent greater freedom and life feels easier and more enjoyable.

Is money your friend or foe?

Obviously, making money is how we support ourselves financially, but it also has a direct effect on every other aspect of our life. And I am not just talking about the house we live in or the car we drive.

In a very practical sense, money can either support our personal growth or challenge it. The state of our finances can also make us feel free from financial stress and frustration, or it can leave us feeling like a slave to the almighty dollar.

Money has emotional leverage and influence

The reality we live in requires that we make a certain amount of money. The need is real and without adequate finances things can get very uncomfortable. Is it any wonder that it is almost impossible to avoid forming an emotional attachment to money? In fact, there is no other inanimate object that is as emotionally charged as money.

What happens to those emotions when the economy is floundering and personal assets start evaporating? Our sense of security can easily turn into panic and leave us wondering how in the world we are going to cope. That’s a lot of emotional leverage and influence.

What’s the solution?

So, how do we structure our life in a way that minimizes the emotional rollercoaster connected to money? There are basically two ways. One way is to live so modestly that very little income is required to sustain our lifestyle. For those who choose to embrace a minimalistic lifestyle, less really can seem like more.

The other solution is to find a way to earn a great living doing something we love to do. This is my preferred choice and I have a feeling that the idea probably appeals to you also. Of course, the real challenge is figuring out how to do that, because if it was easy you would probably already be doing it, right?

Maybe it’s not as hard as it seems!

I have found that actually making money while doing work you love is not really all that complicated. What is complicated though is the challenge of sorting through all the so called “expert advice” and determining which information will actually teach you exactly what you need to know.

To put it another way, I feel that confusion and misinformation are two of the biggest obstacles preventing intelligent, motivated people from creating financial freedom. You see, the people with the real knowhow are not usually in the spotlight. Instead, they are quietly enjoying their lives and the freedom that a lucrative income has given them.

Money close-up photo of assorted coins

Be very selective when choosing whose advice to follow

Let’s be honest, there’s a lot of garbage in the marketplace when it comes to this subject and all that does is add to the confusion and frustration. Many of the techniques being offered probably worked well in the past, but not now. So, their creator recycles them for profit and the results they produce are mediocre at best.

This is why it is wise to learn from those you already trust. Choose someone who has demonstrated their integrity and not just their ability to sell. I’ve been thinking about creating a realistic solution to address this situation for awhile now and I would love to get your thoughts on it because I truly do value your feedback.

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