Money on Your Mind? – Advanced Life Skills

by Greatness HQ

Discover what matters most to our readers through insights from our recent self-improvement survey about Money and Mind.

Money and Mind

Today I wanted to share some of the results we’ve gotten from our self-improvement survey and get your feedback.

The first question in our survey asked, “What areas of your life do you want to improve?”  I thought the results to this question were telling.

A full 100% of the people who took the survey wanted to improve their financial health.  When 100% of your readers show an interest in one topic, I think it’s a good idea to pay attention.

Money on Your Mind?

The economy being what it is today, It’s easy to understand why so many people are focused on finances.  Our free mini course, “Developing a Mindset for Success” addresses this issue head-on.  The fact is that any type of success, including financial success begins in your mind.  Once the mind is programmed to succeed, it becomes much easier to attract the right circumstances to create financial success in your life.

We all need dollars there’s no question about it.  The problem is, when we pursue finances directly it becomes a never-ending chase.  When we have a successful mindset we become like a magnet, attracting what we need.  This applies to every aspect of life but today I’m addressing financial success because that’s what seems to be on the minds of our readers.

The second runner up in our self-improvement survey was a three-way tie.  Relationships, self-esteem and goal setting were all tied for second place.  Each of these areas received an equal amount of attention from those taking the survey.  It’s interesting to note that a successful mindset also contributes to these three areas of life.

If you’re one of the many who took our survey I want to personally thank you for your input.  If you haven’t had the opportunity to take the survey yet please do so.  I truly want to address the issues of greatest concern to our readers.  The only way I can do that is if you tell me what your concerns are.  There are only three multiple-choice questions so it just takes a minute to complete.

I want to thank you in advance and also remind our readers that you can receive your free 7-day mini course, “Developing a Mindset for Success” from this link.

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