Naked in Eden with Robin Easton

by Greatness HQ

Head to head, eye to eye, I didn’t dare breathe; my moist breath might provoke a serious strike. Inches from my face, my neck, it would be the worst place for venom to enter my body. Naked in Eden.

I could see each individual scale on his head. His rapidly throbbing throat stretched so tautly it appeared distorted. Two glass-like black eyes bulged with fear and stared straight into mine. His tongue flicked between black scaly lips to taste the air. Can he taste my fear?

Do I have your attention?

Great, because what you have just read is from the introduction to Robin Easton’s new book Naked in Eden. This book is absolutely mesmerizing from cover to cover and I know you are going to love it.

Naked in Eden is available in all major bookstores as of today. So please, do
yourself a favor and read this incredible story of Robin’s “Adventure and Awakening in the Australian Rainforest.”

Robin Easton up close and personal

I wanted to take you behind the scenes for a candid conversation with Robin as I asked her some personal questions about the creation of this masterpiece. For some reason I could not get the audio player to work within the post, so it will open on a separate page. In these two short audio interviews Robin responds to the following questions:

1) While you were writing this book, how did it feel to go back and relive those adventures and what did you learn from this experience?

Robin Easton Interview 1

2) The success of this book (inevitable) will actually expose you to a world that is the opposite of what the book describes. What kind of personal growth do you see as a result of this fusion of two completely different worlds?

Robin Easton Interview 2

Get this amazing book!

I honestly can’t say enough about how exceptional this book is. Not only is the story totally captivating, but Robin is the most gifted writer I have ever known. You won’t be able to put it down. Naked in Eden on Kindle

Robin Easton was twenty-five when she left the United States and went to live in the remote tropical Daintree Rainforest of Queensland Australia. This is her true story and it’s one you really don’t want to miss!
I hope you enjoyed these interviews as much as I enjoyed doing them. In addition to picking up a copy of Naked in Eden, you will probably want to visit Robin on her blog. She is also on twitter, facebook, YouTube and Robin is a contributing author for Sharing Life Skills newsletter.

This was the first interview I have done as a podcast,
Robin and I would love to hear your feedback!

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