Positive Changes plus Optimism and the Spirit of Renewal

by Greatness HQ

Why is it that everybody gets so excited at the beginning of a new year? Simply stated, people love the idea of renewal. The mindset of: “out with the old, in with the new” is very appealing for several reasons. If the previous year has felt stressful or tedious, then the prospect of a new beginning carries the feeling of renewed hope and possibility.

If the previous year has been rewarding, then there is the anticipation of even greater rewards in the year to come. It seems to be a basic feature of human nature to be optimistic about the future. Is that how you feel? Are you looking forward to positive changes in the year to come?

The beauty of optimism

Optimism is a beautiful state of mind. When we are optimistic we become more alert to new opportunities. Optimism allows us to focus on possibility. Because we keep track of time on a calendar, the dawn of a new year has come to represent a kind of emotional rebirth. It’s a new opportunity to shed old, unwanted aspects of life, and embrace something a little closer to our perceived ideal.

Think about the thought process that most of us go through this time of year. We reflect on the last 12 months and analyze whether or not we are satisfied with the results we produced. And regardless of whether we are satisfied with those results or not, we make adjustments in an attempt to ensure that the next 12 months will be even better. Then we project that new, improved vision into our immediate future.

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Making good use of optimism

Optimism alone is not enough to make positive changes in your life. That’s why most New Year’s resolutions tend to fall by the wayside after a few months. The intentions are good, but there’s a big difference between intentions and results.

If you’ve been making the same basic resolutions year after year, then obviously you didn’t produce the results you wanted. And you know what they say about doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. So, what does it really take to turn our intentions into results? Well, let me ask you this…

What do you think it takes?

Chances are you already have a pretty good idea of what it takes to turn your intentions into results. After all, it’s not some secret formula that’s been purposely hidden from the general public. It is however, a formula that often goes ignored by the general public. Why? Simply stated, because effort is required, and many people are not willing to put forth the effort.

We all like the idea of making positive changes in our lives. And when we see that others have accomplished the things that we’d like to accomplish, we are encouraged. But to produce the same results that they did, we must be willing to put forth the same amount of effort. When you combine the effort with intention you produce results. If you don’t get the results you want, you simply change the way you apply your efforts.

Could this be the year of amazing results for you?

Yes, it could! All you need to do is apply the formula. Like any formula, there are several factors involved. Let’s take a minute to review some of the more important ones in order to make sure that you have what you need to produce the results you intend.

1) Clearly defined goals. Before you can design a plan to accomplish your goals you need to be very, very clear on exactly what it is you intend to accomplish. When setting goals you need to be as specific as you possibly can. Include precise details so that you know exactly what it is you’re working toward.

2) Commitment. Never say you are going to “try” to reach your goals. The word “try” opens the door to failure. Make a commitment to see your goals through to the end, no matter what. Put a high priority on your goals, and make a determination not to allow anything to stop you from reaching them.

3) Understand your reasons. In addition to clearly defining your goals you also need to clearly define the reasons why you want to reach those goals. The underlying reason is more important than the goal itself. How will this goal affect your life in a positive way and why is that important to you? A person can accomplish just about anything if they have a good enough reason.

4) Create emotional anchors. What positive emotions are associated with your goal? Once you identify those emotions, be sure to associate them with your goal. Your goal needs to represent those emotions to your nervous system. Emotions are the horsepower of motivation. To stay motivated you need to do more than think about your goals, you need to feel them.

5) Establish some milestones. You need a way to determine whether or not you are on course toward your goals. The easiest way to do this is to identify certain notable features that you will encounter as you move toward your goal. These will be your milestones. Identifying them ahead of time will help keep you on track and provide a sense of accomplishment along the way.

6) Make a timetable. One of the biggest problems with New Year’s resolutions is that people know when they’re going to start, but they have not set a time of completion. How long will your goal take to accomplish? Having a set timetable is one of the most effective ways I know to keep you focused on the task at hand. Before you start, establish a time for completion.

7) Identify success. What will successfully reaching your goal look like? What will it feel like? How will you know when you get there? These are all questions that need to be answered before you begin. If you don’t know exactly what success looks like, and how will you know when you arrive? Don’t take this for granted. Take the time to clearly identify what success means to you before you start moving forward.

Success is not an accident

If you’ve been disappointed in your results in the past, chances are you ignored one or more of the important factors above. If you’re feeling optimistic about your future, and would truly love to make some positive changes in your life, then you should definitely capitalize on that feeling. In reality, there is no reason to wait for a new year to put this process to work for you. But it is a new year, so why not take advantage of it?

I want you to have the most rewarding, productive, result producing year of your life. I truly do! I also know that wishing won’t get it done. Yes, effort is required, but what meaningful aspect of life doesn’t require effort? Everything worthwhile in this life requires some form of effort. Now that you’ve got the formula, there is still…

One more vital element

You must take consistent, focused action. Start now, and don’t stop until you reach your goal regardless of the challenges or setbacks you may encounter. Remember, results are a combination of intention and applied effort. If you don’t get the results you want, you simply continue to change the way you apply your efforts until you produce the results you want.

If you are really serious about finally producing meaningful changes in your life, I encourage you to pick up a copy of TRUE SELF. The whole process is laid out for you in an easy to follow format that is guaranteed to help you transform your life. Instead of just making resolutions this year, why not decide to turn your intentions into tangible results?

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