
by Greatness HQ

Reclaim Your Self Esteem

Dr. Joe Rubino, the best-selling author of 11 books available worldwide in 19 languages, has published a revolutionary new book on the topic of self-esteem. It is called: “The Self-Esteem Book: The Ultimate Guide to Boost the Most Underrated Ingredient for Success and Happiness in Life.”

Extensive studies show that only 15% of us do have sufficient self-esteem to being capable of achieving our dreams.

Thus; although hard to believe, over 85% of us experience negative effects from diminished self-esteem.

Often our ‘lack’ of self-esteem is so subtle that we don’t even fully notice it until we start examining ourselves carefully.

Lacking self-esteem is the #1 cause of most negative emotions such as anger, hurt, greed, fear, and guilt…to name just a few.

By following Dr. Joe’s easy-to-implement formula we can easily enhance the quality of our lives significantly.

Do you ever experience feelings like:

* Being Unworthy or Unlovable?

* Having the Nagging Thought of Not Being Good Enough?

* A Subtle but Uncomfortable Fear of Failure?

* Procrastinating Regarding those Things You Know You Should Make a Priority?

* Living with Lingering Guilt?

* Being Overwhelmed by Sadness Every Now and Then?

* Being Plagued by Self-Doubt?

* Frustration and Anger resulting in Relationship Upsets?

* Lacking Joy and Fulfillment?

Or have You Ever Been in Situations Where You:

* Felt Shy and Uncomfortable?

* Blamed Others For No Particular Reason?

* Didn’t Feel Good Enough Being the Person You Are?

* Felt Flushed, Sweaty or Nervous?

* Can’t Find The Words You Dreaded Saying?

* Couldn’t Help Stuttering?

* Avoided Eye Contact?

Given the statistics that only a selective 15% of us has strong and healthy self-esteem, it could be very well that these are signals of lacking self-esteem.

In order to see how this great book can benefit you assisting to work on the conscious part of creating success, joy, happiness and fulfillment in life go here and find out yourself!

Only thing I can do is recommend this book to you as a valuable source that can serve as a cornerstone to unlocking your dream future.

PS. That’s not all – It gets even better for you! Dr. Joe Rubino gives away a great recording called -7 Steps To Soaring Self-Esteem. This recording will give you eye opening insights on how to step-by-step achieve unstoppable confidence in every area of your life. Get it now, while it is still

PPS. This book shows you a proven strategy towards building your self-esteem as the #1 success factor in your life. Already well over 45.000 sold and translated in 5 languages.

The Self-Esteem by Tâm Lê Thanh - Issuu

The Self-Esteem System

As always, the feedback of our readers is very important. If you decide to try The Self-Esteem System please leave a comment for others to read. Self-Esteem is a complex issue and a healthy self-esteem is a vital part of personal growth and development.

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