Setbacks, Generosity, and Gratitude

by Greatness HQ

Sometimes, it’s the setbacks in life that create a unique opportunity for for generosity and gratitude. At time we may be the ones expressing gratitude for someone else’s generosity. And there will be times when our generosity moves someone else to a state of gratitude. Either way, it’s a beautiful thing.

This is a story of how a personal setback moved me to a total state of gratitude and appreciation in response to someone else’s incredible generosity.

Let’s start at the beginning

The Setback: Two days before our recent major holiday, I was finishing up an article for Advanced Life Skills, and when I went to close the page something unexpected happened. All of a sudden, my page began to replicate itself over and over again. Within a few seconds, I had 50, 60, and more copies of the same page on the screen, and the process just kept going.

What’s the best thing to do in a situation like that? I don’t really know, but my first instinct was to hit the power button, so that’s what I did, and of course, the computer shut down. I waited a couple minutes, then I turned it back on to make sure everything was all right.

Everything was definitely not all right

For some reason the computer no longer recognized its own hard drive. I tried for an hour or two to come up with a solution, but to no avail. So, my computer was down and the whole world was getting ready for a holiday.

Have you ever noticed how things like this seem to happen at the most inconvenient times? Thankfully, I know a really great computer tech who I contacted early the next morning. He said he was swamped, but he was willing to try and squeeze me in.

Now here’s where things get really interesting

The Generosity: The next afternoon some friends stopped by, and I notice that they had a brand new computer in their back seat. When I commented, “someone’s been computer shopping,” I was informed that the computer was for me, and that there was nothing I could say or do that was going to change things.

I was completely blown away. Their generosity had absolutely nothing to do with the holidays, and they had no knowledge that my computer had melted. They just felt the urge to do something nice, so that is what they did.

Now I ask you, what are the odds?

The Gratitude: Within a few hours of my own computer going down, close friends with no knowledge of my situation were out buying me a brand new computer, just because they felt like it. Have you ever had anything like this happen to you? If so, then I am sure you can probably relate when I tell you, I was filled with gratitude and truly touched to the heart. The fact is, I am still touch to the heart whenever I think about it. It’s amazing how changing events can move our emotions around.

One minute I was facing a perplexing situation, a moment later I was filled with gratitude, and counting my blessings. This is the power of kindness and generosity. The wonderful thing is, even small acts of kindness can have a huge emotional impact on the lives of others. This is something we should all strive to participate in as often as possible. How many times during the course of our day do we have an up opportunity to encourage someone with a smile or a kind word? Such opportunities are abundant if we stay alert to them.

Anyway, back to the story

My Computer Tech managed to salvage about half of the files on my computer, and let’s face it, half is better than none. Still, as you can imagine, I’ve spent the last week reorganizing and reflecting. It’s a safe bet that I will be more scrupulous about backing up files from here on out. But that’s not the most important lesson that I learned from this experience.

I think the most important thing I have learned is a renewed and even greater sense of appreciation and gratitude for those whose friendship I value so deeply. It’s a good idea to pause regularly and reflect on the value of friends, and the power of kindness and generosity.

Things are changing

It’s far too easy to get caught up in our daily lives, and forget to take the time to feel and express gratitude for the people around us. I think there is a growing awareness of this tendency, along with an important fundamental shift in recognizing the power of gratitude.

I want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all our loyal readers and to say that I truly value and appreciate your support. Gratitude is such a powerful state to be in. The more we focus on gratitude, the more we find to feel grateful for. Thanks for being here!

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