Success Brings Success! – Advanced Life Skills

by Greatness HQ
Success Brings Success! - Advanced Life Skills

One of the wonderful things about following a proven process for achieving our goals is the fact that this process is repeatable.  That’s why very successful people can lose everything, and still come back to surpass their former level of success.  They understand the process, they’ve done it before and they know they can do it again.

In fact, achieving success in any given field is generally easier the second time around. There are several reasons for this.

  1. You already know the process and you know that it is repeatable.
  2. Success helps to build our confidence and vanish our doubts.
  3. Experience teaches you what to focus on, and what to avoid in order for you to speed up results.

This knowledge is also what allows successful people to compound their success over and over again.  After a while it becomes their natural tendency to succeed and that is how it should be.  Success in any endeavor feels good because underneath the low expectations that grow out of past failures and social programming, we all want to succeed in life.  The truth is, we are actually born that way, it feels great when we do something right.

We are all born with a desire to success

Have you ever watched a baby learn to walk?  Think about what’s involved.  Until a baby starts to walk the only way it knows how to get from point A to point B, is to crawl.  That’s basically a four-legged mentality; it is a completely different set of motor skills and references.

So what happens?

Well for starters, the parents help the baby to stand up while holding his arms.  Then they rocked him back and forth with some forward movement to try and simulate the walking experience.

At first the baby doesn’t understand, but then after some days or weeks something happens.  The baby begins to relate to standing up and now he wants to walk.

Walking becomes the baby’s new goal and he is focused on it.  Obviously there is some preparation work involved here, like learning how to stand up for more than two seconds, and learning how to take a step without falling down.  Basically, it’s a balance thing.

What are the parents doing this whole time?  They become cheerleaders, encouraging the baby with words like “come on you can do it.”  They clap and get excited over the slightest bit of progress and the baby eats it up.

Then the decisive moment arrives; three consecutive steps, then five, then fifteen.  It happens fast and our little friend is thrilled with his success.

Does it stop there?

No, because success brings more success.  Within a very short time that former crawler, is running all over the place as fast as those little legs can move, because success feels great.  You see we really are born that way.

Once we achieve a level of success we should do three important things. The first is to feel a true sense of gratitude for although we have accomplished.  The second is to celebrate.  In doing so we should focus on enjoying the moment.

Once you’ve reached your goal, give your mind and your loved ones a break.  After putting forth a highly focused effort, stop for a change of pace.  If you don’t do this you will drive yourself and everyone else crazy.

Finally, now that you are refreshed, ask yourself what comes next?  Set another goal or group of goals and start the process over again.  Make success your habit.

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