The Power of Decision – Part 3

by Greatness HQ

power of decision

Editor’s note: This is the third article in a series. The links to Part 1 and Part 2 are listed at the bottom.

There is a profound distinction between people who make the majority of their Power of decision consciously and those who merely go with the flow.

If you don’t take control of your own decision-making process then you’ll become a victim of circumstances.  That too is a decision; it’s the decision you make by trying to avoid making power of decision.

I like the saying: There are three kinds of people in the world:

1) Those who want something to happen. These are generally people who unknowingly choose wishful thinking over decision-making.

2) Those that make something happen.  These are the ones who make carefully considered decisions, a total commitment and take action.

3) Those who wonder what happened.  These are people who avoid making decisions and then can’t understand what went wrong.

If you truly want to take control of your life, if you want to make something happen, it is absolutely vital that you develop your skills as a decision-maker.

There is no Failure

Many people avoid making decisions because they’re afraid of failing.  For a skilled decision-maker, there is no such thing as failure, only results.  If we commit to a decision and follow through with action, we will produce results.  If we don’t produce the result we want, then we learn from the experience, make adjustments and continue taking action.  Making a commitment means we are willing to persist until we produce the results we want.

The only failure comes from giving up.  If we give up because we didn’t produce the results we wanted them the learning process stops.  Learning and adjusting is how we reach our goals.  Every effort increases our knowledge and the result is, we learn what works and what doesn’t.  This process increases our skill level so we can make better decisions as we continue learning.

Once begun the battle is half won!

Are there areas in your life where you continually postpone making decisions?  Have you given up on a goal because you didn’t get the result you wanted the first time?  Now would be a good time to put all that in the past.  Why not start today?

Often times the hardest step in achieving anything in your life is making the decision to do something about it now. Think about some area of your life that has been stalled because a decision needs to be made.  Could you make that decision today, right now?

Try this, Power of Decision…

Start by re-examining the situation and give yourself three possible choices of action. Quickly think about the motives and consequences of each choice.  Now pick the one that you think will produce the best long-term result.  Don’t over analyze the situation; in your heart you know which choice is the right one, so make it.

Now make a total commitment to following through on your decision.  Start by taking immediate action.  Continue taking action and making adjustments until you achieve your intended result.  You don’t need to know every detail of your action plan before you begin.  Taking action helps you find solutions, so go ahead and get started today.

You are on your way

Congratulations; you have just taken control of your life.  If you stay the course, your life will never be the same. The more often you make decisions and follow through on them, the more skilled you will become.

As you can see from this three part series on the power of decision, it all comes down to a simple process.  In my book TRUE SELF you will learn how any area of personal growth and development can be broken down into simple steps. Learning what these steps are and how to apply them in your life can literally give you the power of decision to produce results beyond your wildest dreams.

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