The Power of Decisions – Part 2

by Greatness HQ
The Power of Decisions – Part 2

Editor’s note: This is the second article in a series. The links to Part 1 and Part 3 are listed at the bottom.

Power of Decisions. One of the most common reasons why people’s decisions don’t lead to the result they hoped for, has to do with understanding what it really means to make a decision.  The term “decision” is so loosely applied these days that oftentimes what’s being described is not a decision at all, but simply wishful thinking.

Preferences are not Power of decisions

Saying something like “I’d like to”, “I want to” or even “I’m planning to”, is not a decision.  These terms don’t involve making a commitment and all true decisions involve commitment.

A commitment means you are determined to stick with the decision you made, no matter what.  It means you are committed to achieving a result and no other possibility is acceptable.

Amazing things happen when our decisions go hand-in-hand with a total commitment.  Most people feel a tremendous amount of relief eternally as a result, because they now have a clear objective.  Confusion tends to rob you of your power whereas clarity empowers you.  With clarity and commitment comes action.

Decision making involves skill and flexibility

It’s important to realize that decision-making, like any other skill, gets better with practice.  The more often you make decisions the more you’ll come to realize that you truly are in control of your life.  As a result instead of challenges you will see opportunities.  Instead of walls you see hurdles and you realize you have the ability to leap over them.

Being committed to following through on a decision does not mean being inflexible.  As we begin to take action we will learn by experience how to make adjustments to bring about our intended result.  This is part of the skill of making decisions, and it can raise the quality of your life to the next level.

What are the consequences?

Understanding the power of our decisions to improve the quality of our life means that we should carefully consider the consequences of any decision we make, before we commit to it.  This is one of the keys to gaining control over your life.  Rather than making decisions based on immediate gratification, consider the long-term results.  Don’t be fooled by the temptation of the quick fix.

It would be self-sabotaging to commit to any decision that is out of harmony with your personal values and standards.  In addition, it is always counterproductive to choose any course of action that creates internal conflict.  Always examine your motives and the consequences before making a commitment.

Decisions that have the power to change your live in a moment always come with a total commitment to producing an intended result.  However, if your decisions don’t lead to action, then they really don’t lead to anything except frustration.

In The Power of Decisions – Part 3 we will examine ways you can begin immediately to develop your decision-making skills and take the appropriate action.  Please join us.

The Power of Decisions – Part
The Power of Decision – Part 3

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