The Price of Success

by admin

The Real Secret of Success is that you get to Choose your suffering. That is the Price of Success.

Everything that you want in life, every goal that you want to achieve, and every dream you want to Manifest, all comes with a price tag.

Legitimate success at any endeavor requires that you pay upfront in full with your own sweat.

There is no other way.

And to achieve any goal you must choose the suffering that is right for you, and then you must live with the consequences of that decision.

The moment you choose “Not to Continue” paying the price of Success is the moment you choose to suffer the consequences of failure, which is the worst kind of suffering.

The suffering cost f failure is always higher than the suffering price of Success.

The cost and consequences of failure in a relationship, job, career, or any area can cause a monumental amount of disruption and chaos in your life.

The following are just a few of the examples of the suffering cost of failure:-

If you lack financial discipline – you will suffer the consequences of Debt harassing bill collectors and sleepless nights.

If you do not manage your diet – you will suffer the consequences of diabetes and poor fitting clothing.

By not keeping your promises or honoring commitments – you will suffer the loss of reputation and contaminated character.

Sooner or later each of us must choose to pay the price of Success or pay the cost of failure.  Sooner or later you will come to the understanding that you must choose your suffering.

The price of success is often more than people are willing to pay, but it is not more than they are capable of paying.  The following are a few examples of the suffering cost of success:-

If you suffer the cost of disciplined spending and investing habits- well you get to enjoy peace of mind and an early retirement.

If you suffer the cost of daily exercise and nutrition – you then get to enjoy a great physique and an exceptional quality of life.

By suffering the cost of inconvenience and going the extra mile for your clients – you will enjoy bigger commissions and increased opportunities in life.

By suffering the cost of preparation and doing more than whats expected, you will enhance your reputation, expand your opportunities, and increase your social capital, and by actively participating in the 100Day Challenge, you will learn the real price of success.  You will be challenged to pay that price.  You will understand that the price of success is temporary discomfort, while the price of failure must be paid forever.  The absolute best part about choosing your suffering, and paying the price of success, is that you will make monumental performance gains, that will change your life.

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