Tony Robbins has been around for a long time now, for some he is a guru and others he is a fraud, The team at “Hot Ten Reviews” share their thoughts with us here.
Tony Robbins Review
In his Unleash the Power Within seminar, often coined “UPW,” master motivator Tony Robbins speaks about what it takes to achieve business and personal success. Unlike many other gurus Robbins words make perfect sense, not just emotionally, but intellectually as well.
At UPW, Tony offers a series of preparation exercises that put you in the right frame of mind (“in state”) culminating with fire walking at the end of day one an accomplishment rarely seen anywhere but in the movies, yet his students do it with little hesitation. This experience allows the user to realize that they really can achieve much more than they thought they could. The lesson that he teaches is particularly important to businesspeople who have reached an impasse in their careers, or in taking their companies to the next level.
Robbins ends day two with an incantation called “I am The Voice,” and it is quite possibly the most awe inspiring part of the entire event.
Once he has his audience “in state,” then he gets down to the business of the seminar to teach people how to achieve “ultimate success” as he calls it: success in business; success in relationships; in their bodies and success with time management.
His principals come down to three simple actions every time:
1. Know what you want;
2. Know why you want it; and
3. Know what steps are necessary to achieve it.
The rest of the seminar sets out exactly how to action the steps, so that the students can achieve the results they are looking for.
Does Anthony Robbins Seminar Work?
Yes, definitely. The reason is that Robbins does not try to be something that he’s not. He won’t teach you where to invest, but he will teach you how to find the right person to help you invest. He won’t teach you the exact steps needed to take your business to the next level, but he will teach you how to identify what needs to be done. On the personal side, he won’t teach you what the partner of your dreams looks like, but he does teach you how to determine this for yourself.
In a nutshell, clarity is power and he shows you how to become crystal clear in what you want and why you want it.
On the second to last day Tony’s team speaks to other issues, like exercise and nutrition (A gentleman named Joseph McClendon III does this); while not quite Tony Robbins, McClendon comes pretty close. He attacks many of the key causes of stress and unhappiness and then proceeds to put the necessary steps in place to eliminate these.
Finally on the last day Tony reviews all that has been accomplished. All the while entertaining the audience with stories of success and failure that have gotten him to where he is today.
People who have completed his seminar often go on to achieve extreme success. This is because they have clarity of thought, clarity of action and clarity of outcome.
Most importantly, Robbins allows us to be human again: to enjoy our work, to enjoy our lives and to keep climbing to the next level while enjoying the process.
While I am far from an evangelist for Tony Robbins, I must admit his material works. I have achieved ridiculous levels of personal and professional growth on the back of what he teaches. For the businessperson, for your family, or for your health, Tony Robbin’s work is exceptional. More importantly his information can be learned by virtually anyone. This is of course if they are willing to accept new ideas and let go of old biases and ways of thinking. If one does this, what they can achieve can truly be limitless . . .