The True Story Behind True Self

by Greatness HQ
The True Story Behind True Self

Have you ever wondered why some people stand out as being incredibly comfortable and satisfied with their lives, while most people have a nagging feeling that something is missing? If understanding the reason behind this difference interests you, then you and I have a lot in common.

From a young age I was almost obsessed with discovering what it would take to feel truly connected and satisfied with life. At first I thought it might have something to do with position or circumstances. But as I soon discovered, even those with plenty of money, lots of friends, a great family and well paying career often feel like something is missing in their life.

So, if all the things we are supposed to strive for don’t lead to feeling a deeper connection with our life, what does? What is that illusive missing ingredient that allows some people to feel truly happy and centered in their life regardless of their circumstances? Whatever it was, I wanted it.

The quest begins!

Even though I didn’t know exactly what I was looking for, I sensed that finding it was going to require a complete departure from the life I had been living. You know that feeling you get sometimes when a little voice in your head starts telling you to just chuck it all and do something crazy? Well, this time I decided to listen.

Shortly after turning 21, I packed up my jeep and headed north to the mountains of Oregon on a quest for some answers. Two months later when I returned, I was the proud owner of a 25 acre tract of forest in the middle of nowhere. As it turned out, I would spend the next several years in those woods consciously letting go of all my preconceived ideas, concepts, and conclusions about life.

To the greatest degree possible, I wanted to start the learning process over. I was determined to completely immerse myself in the experience of living to see where it would lead me. It was time to unlearn everything I thought I knew so I could make room for the person I was at my very core, my true self.

The core connection

It is remarkable how different life is in a place where nature completely dominates and the only human footprints around you are your own. In the absence of the constant chatter and buzz of people, the media, traffic, and everything else that invades our consciousness, amazing clarity begins to unfold.

As my old mental programming started to dissipate, I pulled ever closer to an understanding of my authentic self. Trivial things that had once seemed important lost their significance as they were replaced by a deeper understanding of what really mattered, and what didn’t.

It was a transformational experience to realize that I was actually beginning to connect with my core values. Discovery of these values was also accompanied by a clear understanding of why they mattered so much, and how they fit into my life. From that point on, my perception of life was forever changed. I knew there were more pieces to the puzzle, but I also recognized that I was on the right track.

Clarity continues to unfold

As time passed I eventually identified six essential aspects of life that are intimately connected to our deeper sense of identity. Like electrons orbiting around a nucleus, these six aspects of our true self are inseparable from the core and each one exerts a strong influence on all the others.

So, as it turns out, that illusive missing ingredient that I went searching for is not singular in nature. It is actually the synergistic relationship that exists between our core and these six essential aspects of our true self. I call this whole synergistic unit the True Self Connection Wheel and the core connection acts as the wheels hub.

Creating internal harmony

When there is harmony within our personal True Self Connection Wheel, our life feels balanced because that wheel acts like an internal gyro. This allows our sense of self to remain intact even when circumstances and external influences become challenging.

On the other hand, if there is conflict within on a core level, life will feel out of balance much of the time. This can happen even when we are experiencing favorable circumstances. To feel truly comfortable and satisfied with the person we are, we need to learn how to harmonize all of the elements making up our true self.

Finding your True Self

Obviously, everyone can’t unplug from their current life and go gallivanting off on an extended self discovery quest. The idea might sound inviting, but it’s not a very practical solution. Besides, connecting with your true self doesn’t need to be that complicated. For years now I have been walking others through the TRUE SELF discovery process and the results have been nothing short of transformational. It’s time to do more!

Many of my coaching clients come to me after reading my book because they need more help making a solid connection with their true self. So, we work together until they make a breakthrough. It is extremely gratifying to know that so many people read my book and are helped by it, but clearly, there is still a genuine need for a more hands on approach.

True Self – answering the call

Until now I have taken a rather broad approach to helping my readers and coaching clients make positive changes in their lives. I believe the time has come to narrow my focus. Learning advanced life skills always has value, but the challenges caused by a lack of internal harmony can quickly undermine the benefits of these skills.

Harmonizing the various aspects of your True Self is the real key to enhancing your ability to benefit from every kind of new skill and strategy. So, here’s what I have decided to do. I am shifting my focus and from now on my articles, coaching, and any upcoming projects will be more focused on helping you connect with your true self.

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