Trying versus Commitment

by Greatness HQ

I have known so many people who think they have made a decision when they say they are going to try to do something.

Maybe they are going to try to lose some weight or try to start exercising. How many times have we all said, “I’m really going to try to____________________”

What’s wrong with this approach?

The very word “try” implies a halfhearted effort at best and a complete lack of commitment. The word “try”, leaves the door wide open for failure, in fact it invites failure.

Your mind will form a link between try and fail, as in “I tried but failed.”

Which statement sounds more convincing to you?

1) I am going to try to lose some weight. Or,
2) First thing tomorrow, I am starting my diet and exercise program. I am totally committed to losing 20 pounds over the next six weeks, no matter what.

In the first example there will be little, if any positive results because there is no plan or strategy and no commitment. It is just wishful thinking, well intentioned, but wishful thinking nonetheless.

“Commitment unlocks the doors of imagination, allows vision, and gives us the right stuff’ to turn our dreams into reality” ~James Womack

Do yourself a favor and avoid the “try trap” right from the start. It is absolutely vital to realize that consistently producing results requires commitment. The level of your commitment will be reflected in the level of your success.  Commitment is like rocket fuel when it comes to reaching your goals, especially the big ones.

Bottom line, trying is an excuse for failure while total commitment is what allows otherwise ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary success.

This is a excerpt from my book TRUE SELF. If you want to discover your core passions, dismantle your hidden, limiting beliefs, and realize your most desired goals? TRUE SELF will guide you smoothly through the process.

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