What Is Personal Development Anyway?

by Greatness HQ

personal development

The field of personal development is a very popular one these days.  A growing number of people are interested in improving the quality of their life.

Just for fun, I thought I would look up the term “personal development” in the dictionary.  To my surprise, no such term exists.  If you do a Google search on the keyword phrase “personal development” you will find over 57 million results. Clearly, the dictionary is not keeping pace with our language or interests.

What is Personal Development

So what is personal development, and why are so many people interested in it these days?

There are many subcategories that fit under the main heading of personal development.  Some examples would include: personal growth, goals, self-esteem, empowerment, success, self-improvement and dozens more.

Obviously, people feel that it must be possible to get more out of life than what they’ve been experiencing. I think people have always felt this way. The difference seems to be that now they are convinced they can do something about it.  This awareness represents a positive fundamental shift in the thinking of massive amounts of people.  It’s a trend we should all feel good about.

How about you, do you feel this is a positive development?

Are you interested in raising the bar regarding the quality of your life?  Or is status quo good enough?

Personally, I am very encouraged by the number of people desiring to make positive changes in their lives.  Every time someone adopts a higher standard, reaches for a worthwhile goal, or demonstrates appreciation for others, our world gets a little bit better.

Do you want to help make the world a better place for you and everyone else?
Let’s do it together, one person at a time

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