What is Your Subconscious Mind obsessed With?

by Greatness HQ
What is Your Subconscious Mind obsessed With

Scientists say that your subconscious mind runs about 95% of your daily life? This is because your subconscious mind is more dominant than your conscious mind.

What does that mean? Well, it means that while your subconscious mind can affect the thoughts in your conscious mind, it’s very difficult to reverse this process.

What is your subconscious mind doing?

For starters your subconscious stores detailed information related to everything you have even seen, read, heard or experienced. It also stores all of your memories, emotions, feelings, attitudes and beliefs.

Additionally, your subconscious is busy regulating your breathing, hear beat, blood pressure, body temperature and many other bodily functions.

What thoughts occupy your subconscious?

This one can be difficult to answer because what occupies your conscious mind can be very different from what is going on in the secrete recesses of your subconscious.

Because the connection between your conscious and subconscious mind isn’t something you can readily control, there are a lot of questions that are difficult to answer. But it’s still fun to try!

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